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Thank you for making this. Super simple but so fun. Would you make it a print and play version for table top?


We hadn't considered it but I suppose we could maybe rangle something together? Will need to speak to my partner HQUIL but we're thinking of maybe continuing to work on this game so I suppose table top could be a part of it!

(1 edit) (+1)

hello, thanks for your comment. I'd love to start making a simple print version next week.
Would you know any examples of games who do that really well? From past experience assembling it can get quite messy :3

I was thinking about it today. You could use paper clips or something similar to betrayal in the house on the hill for the upgrades. but the rest should be pretty straight forward card creation. You could even make them double sided for extra powers or replicability. I just really like the islands upgrade mechanic. more card games could do with something like that.