I might be offline when this ends. I hope this helped us all think about story and adventure and history. Thanks for joining.
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Hello there!!! How is everyone going?
How is the imagining? Or reimagining?
How is the writing and the fun times going??
I have been trying to just write one every day or two. Using a different character from Baltic mythology or a remix of ideals.
I think I will change my process this week and start looking bigger picture. Creation trauma myths and the like.
And you?
I ran it!!! Last night it was so fun. I am running an Eberron DnD campaign but getting super done with 5E. And our party had found themselves in a battle with warforged, they stole a tank and ran over a bunch of them which trigged a building collapse that revealed a chasm with a door...... So then Godhead was a great staging ground for both reference to an old goblinoid civilization the worshiped the god of destruction and change, and also the order of the emerald claw trying to come and resurrect some dead goblin priests but then they got mutated and died. I loved that you gave DMs enough in each room whilst giving huge room to mess with stuff. Like, the GODHEAD was found in the weird church and he convinced the party to bring the legs to him. So the party had to figure out how to get the legs to punch through the wall. They intentionally dove into the hot glowing green water, so that was weird. and painful. They walked past some of the more fun places. but. ultimately got the head back on, and the head had promised to cure one of the players of their cannibalism (which may in fact ruin the character by completing its arc... havent thought about that so much yet) and then the complete God of change and destruction jumped out of the chasm and will now run wild through the mournland. (because ill probably use it at some stage when I need it)
I showed the group the maps at the end and they all oooo;d and aaaah'd because your art is amazing. Thank you lots and lots. Will you put out some other modules?
OOOO this is awesome!!! Some books I have been reading of late don't resolve the myth. They just tell the stories that are known. And then others give a large back story to how the people think the myth came to be. Where did she come from. Who was she before this. What is her end game. Who was the one that got away to tell the story. That kind of thing. Or yeah the one time someone fought back and injured her and how. That would work too. I love the core of it. I think it could stand alone because it gives the reader shivers :D And then it would be easy to stat up and run any kind of quest line either from her perspective or a towns persons. This is so good!!!
We start tomorrow. YAYAYAYAY. feel free to post multiple times. Or once right at the end. Or a different amount to that. :D
If you need a starting point, this might help.
Roll a D6
1/ Laziness 2/ Generosity
3/ Revenge 4/ Wealthiness
5/ Courage 6/ Compassion.
Normal life activity.
Roll a D6
1/ Working 2/ Celebrating
3/ Parenting 4/ Travelling
5/ Buying 6/ Cooking
Beast. (Feel free to make it location specific, time specific or unique)
Roll D6
1/ Fairy 2/ Witch
3/ Animal variant 4/ Deity
5/ Demon 6/ Plant variant
Put the three outcomes together, write a myth about that combination. Or swap out beast for a geographical feature.
Roll D6
1/ Rock 2/ Forest
3/ Swamp 4/ Path
5/ Hill 6/ Moon.
E.G A demon who teaches someone a lesson in laziness during cooking.
(Disclaimer, there are many ways to create myth, this is just one starting point for inspiration)
Hello there.
So it might be helpful for some to see some of what I have found over the last few weeks.
I have been looking at Lithuanian myths of late, and I found a book that split stories collected into the main characters. So there were the Baltic version of fairies, giants, demons, tricksters, elementals etc.
And each section there would be 25 stories from people.
Some of these stories were three pages long about someone doing a menial task and a fairy coming and helping them or cursing them with it. Or a Giant would walk from one place to another creating a mountain or a lake with its tears and feet. Or they were morally based. "Do good things for your friends" would be a man who goes to a market to buy a good luck demon, and his friend asks him to buy one for him too. But instead, the first friend keeps the money and gives the second friend a fake good luck demon who ends up being the real good luck demon. Etc etc.
So if it helps in this process, pick a mythological beast that you make up or mutate and tell a story about them.
Or take a geological feature and explain how it came to be.
Or take a life lesson or principle and use a mythological character to tell that lesson.
I am very excited for what we will all create.
Hey everyone. This is my first attempt at something like this. I would love some feedback. Do i need less... or more... or different. or a rethink completely. What else do I need to include "legal" stuff if any of it is needed. Or where can I go to learn "noobs" stuff? Thanks for holding this jam. Made me think a lot.
This adventure is so cool. I love the extra mechanics and am excited to run it. A question. Super practical and feel free to not answer it question :D In my own design I am struggling for the sharp borders. I really like your take on the relevant patterns. Was wondering if you could explain or point me to a tutorial on how to create a document with borders similar to your own. I have a design I am just struggling to figure out the insertion :D Or do you use a design program and do each page individually?
Thanks again for making something great.
Woah that is excellent. Thank you so much. And yeah I definitely feel like the check and steal cards are super redundant, and the check and fail could work awesome. I also messed around with introducing a board. and "rats" have to scurry to the different places to collect the ingredient (a corner for dust, bin for juice etc) so introducing a die and random amounts between the sections. which i would hope could mean i could introduce a third and fourth player. and the powers change every time as well.
I have struggled to get someone to play it through with me too. :D but I will try at next game night. i really like the colour part too. just need better symbols i think.
thanks for this feedback. it makes me feel more excited about making games :D And I am slowly (epically slowly) learning python. so i want to attempt my first text based adventure game, and then who knows where I will end up :D
have you enjoyed the jam?
I was thinking about it today. You could use paper clips or something similar to betrayal in the house on the hill for the upgrades. but the rest should be pretty straight forward card creation. You could even make them double sided for extra powers or replicability. I just really like the islands upgrade mechanic. more card games could do with something like that.