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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Woah that is excellent. Thank you so much. And yeah I definitely feel like the check and steal cards are super redundant, and the check and fail could work awesome. I also messed around with introducing a board. and "rats" have to scurry to the different places to collect the ingredient (a corner for dust, bin for juice etc) so introducing a die and random amounts between the sections. which i would hope could mean i could introduce a third and fourth player. and the powers change every time as well. 

I have struggled to get someone to play it through with me too. :D but I will try at next game night. i really like the colour part too. just need better symbols i think. 

thanks for this feedback. it makes me feel more excited about making games :D And I am slowly (epically slowly) learning python. so i want to attempt my first text based adventure game, and then who knows where I will end up :D 

have you enjoyed the jam?

I was thinking about it today. You could use paper clips or something similar to betrayal in the house on the hill for the upgrades. but the rest should be pretty straight forward card creation. You could even make them double sided for extra powers or replicability. I just really like the islands upgrade mechanic. more card games could do with something like that. 

THANKS!! I am really hoping to upgrade art and then 3d print some little rats :D 

Heaps nice. Thanks for making it. 

Loved it. It distracted me from my day so.. that's a good sign :D cute soundtrack. 

Thank you for making this. Super simple but so fun. Would you make it a print and play version for table top?