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Very short but really impressive adventure! I love the artstyle and I'd like to see more! The music is also very good and I like sounds in the game but it should be more of them. 

Unfortunately I must critize (non)interactivity – I wasn't sure if I did right step when the character suddenly walked across the bridge but nothing happened, or when she had a special animation of "nothing". But I believe you know about this. Nevermind, this was really good, beuatiful work!


Thank you for your feedback! 

We are aware that there are corners cut in the game, especially in the interactivity part, unfortunatelly the time wasn't on our side, so we didn't manage to finish it properly and giving the player more feedback while playing. You are also correct that some sounds are missing, like walking, also because of the time, it was basically in the last half an hour when we were deciding if we should implement that or not. 

I see. Of course, the time is a hard enemy, we had the same issue (how unexpected, heh). Anyway, are you going to release some new version after the jam? :)