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A member registered Mar 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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42  is an answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything :D

It's a bit confusing, since you submited the game twice, so here is a copypase of feedback from the other submission. 

"Same like Lord of Madness, it took me a bit to figure out, that I can talk to the mad scientist, who then proceeds to chase me :D it's quite fun, that he can walk through the walls as well :D good job on the game :)" 

It is possible to make just one sumbission on itchio and then add the rest of the team there, you can also let the game show on your profile, even when somebody else submits the game (through edit theme on you main profile page)

Same like Lord of Madness, it took me a bit to figure out, that I can talk to the mad scientist, who then proceeds to chase me :D it's quite fun, that he can walk through the walls as well :D good job on the game :)

Very atmospheric, although I am a bit stuck after I create pentagone and the chalk powder and usually die soon after. Music nicely undelines the mood of the game, and I enjoyed solving the puzzles

The game is awesome, the music slaps hard :3 The switching mechanic is great, right for speed, up for jump, down for heavy, left for attack, very intuitive for me. I got unfortunatelly stuck at level 3, where I couldn't break through the wooden wall.

Great art, music is awesome, the game is very enjoyable, I played all the leves and the boss as well. Some SFX would be nice to give more feedback to the player. Otherwise good job on the game!

I like that you have to spell spells (haha), the aiming is a bit hard though. Music and sound effects would elevate the game's feeling. I also encountered the problem with frozen game

The controls need some fine tuning, especially jumping. Short but very nice game, I like the background art and character art. The boss music is smashing, so it's a bit disappointing, that you cannot fight the boss, but I at least returned and killed the skeletons with newly recieved fireballs :D

This was a fun little game, I finished all the levels and very enjoyed them. I am missing some sounds and music, but the game mechanics were mice, I like the dispersion of light :)

Tutorial would be useful, so that the player would know to mine trees and stones of different colours to craft upgrades. Some inventory would be great, as otherwise I don't know, how much of each material I have. But otherwise very chill game, music is very relaxing

This would be a great mobile game to just kill time. Needs some tuning, as I suspect objects fall behind the edge of the screen, which makes the lava rise, but otherwise I really enjoyed playing it :)

Unfortunatelly the game is unplayable on the smaller screen resolutions, as the UI is out of the screen, so I cannot read the description and make decisions based on it ;-; But the people art and background sounds are very nice 

Fun concept, although don't put lasers in my hands, otherwise there will be lots of civilian casualties :D

The dialogues are great, art is awesome, music makes you stressed in a good way. I really enjoyed playing this game, but I would also appreciate to have a restart button

The level design is awesome, I love how you interconnected different letters! The NooOOoo is very funny :D

Fun game, just on the smaller resolution screens the stamps are sometimes over the picture, so you cannot draw, because instead of drawing it selects the stamp. Chill yet challenging, I enjoyed it very much

Nice spooky game, the ambience is great :3

Very polished game, great texts, I had a chuckle. Visuals are awesome and music is very fitting

It's like among us, but nobody is trying to kill you, just repairing and vibing to nice tunes. Very chill and relaxing game, that doesn't need much brain power

The audio effects are great! Visuals are very appealing

Unfortunatelly I got stuck on a second level with mini sheep and coin and I have no idea, what to do :D also when you grab an object, go to the door so that the object clips to the other side and then click to open the door, the object disappears. I bet the game is really interesting further down the road, but I couldnt manage to get there

Very creative usage of AI while creating this game. I very enjoyed playing it, I love how it got harder and harder keeping up with all the rules, that were comming and going. 

This game is super simple, but very polished, super relaxing to make povidla

(1 edit)

We added screenshots from the book into the screenshot section of the itchio page, so people can read the book in peace now :D But we are happy you enjoyed the game :3

If we could change something, we would let the player read the new item entries before each day, so that during the buying you could just glance at the book for references on prices etc. But there was no time to add that feature unfortunatelly, so you have to read it during the day :/ You don't have to read the book during the tutorial, it was mostly to notify player, that there is a book with important info in there, as some playtesters ignored the book all together :D Accept offer button would be very handy, thank you for the feedback :) We are glad, that you could haggle to your heart's content!

We are glad you enjoyed the game! Yeah, currently you have to read the book while buying the items, which isn't optimal, as it takes time. We wanted to change it so you could read the new entry for new item in peace before each day started, but there was not enough time to implement it ;-; But thank you for your feedback!

This is for the first time in my life, that I've played scrabble and man did I have a blast. Really enjoyed making up words, even though I was frantically missing some E's :D

The idea of spotting skeletons hiding under human garments fits well with the jams theme. I love that I can get an upgrade after each round. Good job on the game, considering it was created just by one person

It's Froggening time! The music and artstyle creates nice atmosphere, I like the drawing game mechanics, I found them very satisfying. Although I am a bit confused about the clicking on the candles, not sure what should/shouldnt be happening :D

Love the connection of making graffity and a platformer. The game is well polished and very enjoyable to play :3

Thank you Jakub, we are glad, that you liked the game!

Thank you Azrhyga! We do not plan to continue working on the game, but we are open to any feedback, you can write me a private message on twitter and I will relay it to the rest of the team :)

I was leaving this game as a last one to play, because of the meh graphics so I thought it would be some basic game, but oh boi was I so wrong about this :D This game is a prime example, that even with basic graphics, you can make extremely fun game. The game has great mechanics revolving around navigating in a maze if and only if the music is playing, else you die. I also digged the story, great take on the gamejam theme making an interesting twist on it. Game also has great sense of humour. The voiceover made great atmoshpere for the game.  The last maze was quite hard, especially last part, I got lost there so many times :D Good job development team, such fun!

I didn't remember my highscore, so I just replayed it and got 42500 :)

I love the art of the game, you pulled off the futuristic city look very very well. The block with the black hole made me chuckle :D Music is very fitting. Sometimes it can get a bit harder to estimate, where the block will fall, because of the slight sideways angle. I also appreciate, that you managed to actually include a multiplayer into the game, that's not very commonly seen on gamejams. 

That is so chill minigame, I love the theme of Norse Mythology. The gamejam theme is well executed, controls are very nice, it's easy to understand the game. In simplicity comes the strength :) also I very feel you about non working web build, our wasn't working as well 10 minutes before deadline when we uploaded it to itchio, so we as well quickly made windows build minutes before deadline :D

This is so fun game, I loved being a mad engineer building my own planes from rubbish, such a great idea for a game :)

Very nice game, I like the story you are narating. I played it several times hoping, that I would get a happy ending, but it seems, that the sky is the limit :) the controls would need a little bit more tweaking, sometimes the ghost hits colliders at the stairs, so you have to position the ghost in the centre to successfully go up/down strairs

Nice puzzle game :) i would appreciate to have an ingame tutorial on how to play the game rather having a separate file with instructions, but I understand that sometimes there is not time for such things during the jam :)

This is a game with unique theme, very different from the other jam games I played so far. I loved shooting of brushes, music is very fitting the game :)