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sorry, i should have been more specific.  Not sure which of the two areas it was but i were lvl 8. I had slaughtered the entire camp and it was easy since they could barely injure me at all but then a elven spell singer came and started nuking my hp bar. i find it imbalanced since i had already killed about 4 other spell singers without any problem. It could be scaling problems with the spell she used (magic missile) or something else but it wasnt an item. I know it wasnt a willpower problem either since i had equipped two legendary rate pieces of armor which boosted my willlpower by 12 but i still took 32 damage a hit.

My problem with the chasing is pherhaps not the speed of enemies, i could use several skills to increase my own if i had them. the problem is more likely tracking and persistence. if you run away from most enemies in this they quickly forget about you and return home but some enemies seem to have almost infinite sight and you can never shake them of. like this spell singer, at one occasion i actually got away and of course i ran some more but when i started healing she still appeared cause she never stopped searching. this feels even more odd since it was night at the last part where it actually happened.  About the persistence part, you should get some sort of chase ending trigger. if an opponent has the same speed as you they will hunt you forever but never catch up, it already sounds odd, they should not be that persistent. when someone with the same speed can shoot you and still keep up something even more odd has happened.

I know i probably could have prepared better like you say but i didnt think i would need to for an area two (potentially 5) levels beneath me.

Ok, that makes more sense. Arcane barrage has a high weapon damage percent scaling, so if the elven spellsinger rolled a very strong weapon it could have the effect you described. Thanks for the clarification!

Spellsingers have a sight range of 10 tiles without infravision, so nothing special. All enemies, just like you described, don't chase after a couple of turns, but they don't return home at all. They wander around or do some specific activities. I think you might have been unlucky so that the spellsinger simply wandered off in the same direction and found you.

(2 edits)

just noticed, why did you give all AI infinite stamina. of course that makes it impossible to run.

I realize that is a hard thing to fix and its not very urgent. That said i do hope its in the full release.

Did I? I'll check, maybe it bugged out when I removed fatigue for zombies.