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A member registered Nov 05, 2021

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Just wondering, did you make corpse explosion a chain reaction? thats how i interpreted it. are these changes implemented. If they are, how do i see it and do i need to update it otherwise? 

wait so you have fixed the skeleton champion bug too? im almost getting a bit hyped. im gonna try it right now

no of course, that would make the game easy. if we have scaling for summons it should be almost entirely an increase to hp. That way they would keep being viable meatshields which is their only purpose. late game they cant even protect me since they die in about one hit and then the aggro shifts towards me again. a minimal damage increase could be there not that it would matter. You could add a skill specifically for buffing minions or a single minions. Did you fix skeleton champion? last time it was bugged. and about corpse explosion, i dont know if it changed in the latest version but from what i remember it should change. perhaps make it so it does full damage to minions as well and allowing that to trigger chain reactions. because now there really isnt a situation were it's worth using compared to the other skills.

can you make scaling for summons? currently, all skills scale with your stats except for the ones that raise minions which after a while makes them too weak to use at all.

is this compatible with the new version?

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I think i got a good idea for chases. Give all AI a motivation meter.  This meter won't affect anything other than the odds of them giving upp a chase and going home. It would passively decrease every turn in a chase and increase every time they close the distance. A chase would start/be recognized after a set amount of turns spent running, the amount of turns needed to initiate one would reset with every melee attack landed but not ranged attacks or skills. ranged attacks and skills can't stop a chase either unlike melee attacks. this meter would only even be active during a hunt. pls tweak as you see fit, i thought this could be a tactical and usefulf way of  deciding the outcome for chases. (both AI and player have to run for the chase countdown to start)

The god spawned in on me at night and i couldnt find him. How do i get his location or make him aware of mine?

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just noticed, why did you give all AI infinite stamina. of course that makes it impossible to run.

I realize that is a hard thing to fix and its not very urgent. That said i do hope its in the full release.

sorry, i should have been more specific.  Not sure which of the two areas it was but i were lvl 8. I had slaughtered the entire camp and it was easy since they could barely injure me at all but then a elven spell singer came and started nuking my hp bar. i find it imbalanced since i had already killed about 4 other spell singers without any problem. It could be scaling problems with the spell she used (magic missile) or something else but it wasnt an item. I know it wasnt a willpower problem either since i had equipped two legendary rate pieces of armor which boosted my willlpower by 12 but i still took 32 damage a hit.

My problem with the chasing is pherhaps not the speed of enemies, i could use several skills to increase my own if i had them. the problem is more likely tracking and persistence. if you run away from most enemies in this they quickly forget about you and return home but some enemies seem to have almost infinite sight and you can never shake them of. like this spell singer, at one occasion i actually got away and of course i ran some more but when i started healing she still appeared cause she never stopped searching. this feels even more odd since it was night at the last part where it actually happened.  About the persistence part, you should get some sort of chase ending trigger. if an opponent has the same speed as you they will hunt you forever but never catch up, it already sounds odd, they should not be that persistent. when someone with the same speed can shoot you and still keep up something even more odd has happened.

I know i probably could have prepared better like you say but i didnt think i would need to for an area two (potentially 5) levels beneath me.

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inconsistency in the strength of enemies is seriously annoying especially since it comes without warning. ex you fight and kill 15 elves, then the 16 comes. he suddenly does 30 damage through your improved defenses while the other elves did 2. And you cant run because he will hunt you and shoot your back until you die. in these events you have pretty much been  sentenced to death and there is nothing you can do, all because one opponent happened to for no reason be 30 times stronger than the others.  And why does AI never give up on hunting you? they persist for  a fourth of the entire map, its ridiculous.  fix the spell magic missile, a normal elven spellsinger should not have that.

The equipment to the AI should be more regulated. It doesnt make sense for a low level scrub to suddenly blast you and 40 hp resulting in an insta kill

The necromancer class needs to be fixed.

.The AI of zombies is not really functional. Zombies get stuck in place walking back and forth between two tiles if you have more than 10 and sleep or wait for a prologen time. Unless you personally walk through those two tiles the zombies that are trappen wont escape or follow you. Enemies ignore zombies and go straight towards you unless they get attacked by zombies wich is unlogical. Your zombies are primarly meatshields meant to protect you, yet the enemies ignore this wall of flesh. That must be fixed.

.Zombies only recognize AI as targets at two different times, when the AI attacks you or a zombie or when you use the command allies ability. The problem is that zombies must stop enemies before they reach you, not after and the command allies ability is busted. As the command it gives is attack everything in this area my zombies often attack each other and they dont often follow enemies that have left the targeted area instead running through the enemy towards the area while the enemy sprints straigth towards you.

.Summon skeleton champion doesnt work at all. Instead of actually summoning a skeleton champion nothing happens except that specific tile becomes permanently blocked. However it still costs a pile of bones and if I remember correctly 8 hp.

.Corpse explosion works properly but since it targets corpses i almost never get a chance to use it and when i can use it i dont need since I have already killed the opponent. I suggest balancing by allowing targeting undead minions. That seems op but you could make it so that it doesnt do reduced damage to allies so you need to be extremely careful about when to use it. This way you can use it often and be tactical about it but if you use it badly you could lose 8 zombies instantly. Seems balanced if you ask me and it would be an improvement compared to now. currently i hardly ever use.