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(4 edits) (+1)

I couldn't get the game to run properly, the fox in the first level was so slow that I had a gameover before even reaching an intersection. So I took a look at the code,  and basically what happens is that in the Traveller script you set the velocity by mulitplying xVelocity and yVelocity by Time.deltaTime. But thats only necessary when executed in an Update loop to scale the velocity with how fast the loop is running, since Time.deltaTime gives you the delta, meaning the time elapsed since last Update. You should just set it to new Vector2(xVelocity, yVelocity) here. Otherwise what happens is that if you have a fast pc, the first frame runs incredibly fast, so the animal moves incredibly slowly since the velocity gets multiplied by how long the start frame was. Hope that made sense!

Sad it couldn't run properly on my machine, but the concept looks interesting tho!


Wow. Thank you so much. I felt like there was something a bit odd about the movement, but couldn't figure it out. And thanks for the explanation, I forgot that you only have to use Time.deltaTime in the Update method. I really appreciate the help! I'll be sure to patch it in once the voting period is over.

(1 edit)

Really looking forward to play it as you intended it!