- Implemented solid mechanics and the use of skateboards was interesting
- The repeated blur effect for the end credits was really nice. It's weird to point it out but hey, it was good.
- Stunt-ing as a rewardable quality to play is interesting
- Details are a bit small and zoomed out, or the game moves faster than it should for the zoom
- Feedback could use more oomph and be more useful to the player moment to moment
- Quite short
Here & There:
I'm going to point out that we used almost exactly the same colour for our rank screen backgrounds. Cool. When I started playing the tutorial area I moved quicker than I was supposed to, and so some number of messages were jumbled over each other and lost in the mayhem. There are some nice little effects such as the breaking glass that help make the action feel more like it has consequences, but overall the game is pretty small and zoomed out so some components of the feedback are too hard to notice (hitting enemies, getting hit yourself, the reticle). The game doesn't really tell you who to attack so on the second level I just got on a skateboard and rode around for a while before I started shooting at random characters. It was smart not to include the collateral damage from NPCs on other NPCs in the scoring, because when I did start shooting I just ran around and let them trigger each other but it was to no avail. The connection to Hotline Miami seems underworked, because it is a mostly melee focused experience in tight quarters at high speed, and while this has speed it doesn't really show that influence very well. I would also have preferred the weapons shoot faster to match the movement speed. The mechanics are there for an interesting experience but as it stands it doesn't utilize them in a way as to encourage such an encounter.