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Hey there! First of all, thanks for playing the game! Second of all, I agree with a lot of these points. You can actually replay tutorial messages by pressing F on the red buttons, if you get near them it'll say "Press 'F' to replay dialog". But up to these point, no one has actually used it, which means that it obviously wasn't clear enough what they do, so yeah that was a big mistake on my part. More HM style weapons were planned such as melee weapons, but they didn't make the cut, thus making the game seem more GTA than HM, but I think the HM style comes through with a lot of our effects/aesthetics. The weapon speed was actually slower on the original versions, but got upped before final release, and so far, it clearly wasn't fast enough. A hit indicator was also planned but again, time constraints, which obviously mean that the game was just too ambitious for it's own good, and that it should've had a smaller scope. Also, you can pretty much win the game by shooting everyone, and I know I said on a previous post that you're supposed to shoot the red/green NPCs, who are supposed to be gang members, but eventually the game just became a "shoot anyone that moves" game, and it should've been explained as such on the tutorial. Some really good criticism/feedback overall, and again, thanks for playing the game! We will defenetily keep this feedback in mind for our future projects or... maybe a more refined version of this game, who knows. ;)