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This game had a lot of problems but the main one is defenetily the "Whys". Why are you shooting people? Who are you supposed to shoot? What does the skateboard do? it was really stuff that needed to be addressed but that kinda fell back compared to making the main mechanics, which is very wrong. The tutorial was supposed to address a lot of stuff but it just simply wasn't enough, there was way too much stuff. The way tutorial text works wasn't the best either, you can actually dodge by pressing space bar on foot, but I changed a line of dialog which included the explanation, and the skateboard spin is actually a dodge, but it is very hard to notice. And while you can always playback conversations on the tutorial by pressing some red buttons, that also wasn't very clear. Overall, WAY too much shit for it's own good, scope should've been smaller and I agree with all your points. And there was also supposed to be another weapon variation called the "Super Shotgun" that didn't make the final cut, which was supposed to be a more powerful shotgun with less ammo, in order to make enemies more dangerous and give the player more power. And the difficulty was a mistake of pretty much 0  external playtesting, the game kinda got stuck on this box and thus, figuring out difficulty was pretty much impossible, which was another major mistake on my part. Thanks for playing the game, though! We appreciate the feedback and will definitely keep it in mind for our future projects!