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Very nice game!

As has been said by others, the player doesn't move with the platforms which makes it a bit awkward. And personally, I would have inverted the movement while walking on the ceiling (I actually did on my submission and I think it feels more intuitive).

 Apart from that, the game responds very well to inputs and I would love to see more of it! :)

I did invert the movement on the ceiling. What do you mean it's not inverted?

I meant I would have made the controls work the other way when you're on the ceiling so the character moves to the right of the screen (instead of its own right) when you press right.

I don't really understand you, I made the controls inverted when on the ceiling, so if I pressed Left it would go right on the ceiling.

:) Sorry, I think I'm not clear. Indeed : the character moves left when you press right while on the ceiling. I meant that it feels more natural to make it move right when you press right, even when on the ceiling. 

I know it would feel natural, but I wanted to make it so everything inverts, the colors, the gravity, the controls. For it to be a bit harder.