- seems possible for the merchant to think you're a virgin, when you are not. after entering steal mode, clicking an item (being watched closely), and clicking "Done". This was after previously stealing 3 items (caught on 3rd); then doing town Brothel.
-Merchant - Perfect toy check, even though i didnt buy anything. and then failed anal addict check; auto game over. and i was on ironman, with a ton of progress, about to get another achievement. Wasted an 8-hour run. :(
-Merchant - Locked Up. I did not own any ass items when I spoke to her. I purchased the buttplug. and It automatically locked me into the game over state. hot, but i had taken hours to build up to something i was about to do. a whole day of play: wasted.
I know that's part of Ironman Mode (bug notwithstanding), but that wasn't fun. if the unavoidable fail states are so...unavoidable... how does one do certain things?
-Werewolf girl - defeated her in combat, easily. but because i have high strength, she automatically gets to top me? (you get a story though, which is useful, later. But can also Game Over with Bitch.) [not a bug, technically, but on-topic.]
-Font is difficult to read at resolutions below 1680x1050. (It can even be tricky at that res.)
-Often, the mouse cursor will disappear. it is still registering, but is invisible. It usually becomes visible again, after changing screens. Sometimes, it changes to a default Windows cursor.
-little sound glitches. hard to describe.