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A member registered Feb 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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-add ability to enter character screen, equipment screen, etc, while in town.  Ability to equip items without leaving town.

-Pressing C when Character Sheet is open should close the character sheet.  Same for pressing "I" when the Inventory screen is open.  (same key to open & close).

-functions like Characer Sheet, Save, and Camp have hotkeys.  Please add Tooltips with the name of the icon, and the hotkey.  and possibly a bit of text explaining the function of things like Camp / Rest.  

-can not Quicksave in town.

-when on the town space, make it possible to enter town by clicking on the town (as normal).  Not just clicking the Camp button.  I didnt know I could do that, at first.

-a quick function for dumping cum.  if you don't want the Stuffed debuff, you have to go through the process of opening camp and dumping, and going back to the map; every time you get creamed.  ...which is a lot.

-Options to use smaller font, so you can see full description of moves, without it auto-moving up & down.

-the arousal "heart" icon is barely visible on many post-encounter screens.  due to icon color & backdrop color.

-Combat - at first, when mouse is over actions menu, scroll wheel does not affect the menu.  It begins to be recognized after you have pressed something. 
- & If possible, options to decrease size of menu; to fit more choices, without scrolling.

-Ability descriptions - please add base expected damage/healing/success chance #'s, even out of combat.

-ability to copy saves from 1 slot to another, in the save menu.

-make clicking & confirmation sound effects optional.  (on most mouse clicks, and some screen changes).  nice touch, but i think i actually prefer the quiet.  the sounds break immersion, a bit.  added somewhere between and .  

-I find myself looking for info, guides, etc, as well as quicksaving; before i do anything.  Trying to find out what will happen before it happens.  It was much more enjoyable to just stumble around, discovering and failing along the way.  You know what ruined that for me?  The permanent Game Over fail states.  (and to a lesser extent, getting locked-out of an entire character or route because I did something a certain way.)  I'm now thinking like a hardcore gamer.  Overthinking and following external info.  All to avoid hitting a game over, and losing hours of progress.  (or discovering that my character build was flawed from the start, thus being locked into a character incapable of succeeding.)  Ironman mode is one thing.  But could this pseudo perma-death be adjusted in normal mode, please?

-XP and level up - kind of a mystery right now.  gauge doest really communicate current amount.    [# is displayed in Character Sheet.  but does the requirement increase?]

 -hard to get a sense of how far you can go, if you keep playing.  can you level up enough to get all the skills?  will your HP ever increase?

- seems possible for the merchant to think you're a virgin, when you are not.  after entering steal mode, clicking an item (being watched closely), and clicking "Done".  This was after previously stealing 3 items (caught on 3rd); then doing town Brothel.

-Merchant - Perfect toy check, even though i didnt buy anything.  and then failed anal addict check; auto game over.  and i was on ironman, with a ton of progress, about to get another achievement.  Wasted an 8-hour run.    :(

-Merchant - Locked Up.  I did not own any ass items when I spoke to her.  I purchased the buttplug.  and It automatically locked me into the game over state.  hot, but i had taken hours to build up to something i was about to do.  a whole day of play: wasted.

   I know that's part of Ironman Mode (bug notwithstanding), but that wasn't fun. if the unavoidable fail states are so...unavoidable... how does one do certain things? 

-Werewolf girl - defeated her in combat, easily.  but because i have high strength, she automatically gets to top me?   (you get a story though, which is useful, later.  But can also Game Over with Bitch.)  [not a bug, technically, but on-topic.]

-Font is difficult to read at resolutions below 1680x1050.  (It can even be tricky at that res.)

-Often, the mouse cursor will disappear.  it is still registering, but is invisible.  It usually becomes visible again, after changing screens.  Sometimes, it changes to a default Windows cursor.

-little sound glitches.  hard to describe.


Perhaps the .exe would launch if you have Java 11 installed.  But it seems to be x64, only.  (I have Java 8.)

I'm using an outdated build.  Because it was the only x32 .zip I could find.

 oh.  the Autosave IS its own thing.  It's more of a problem because i can't use normal save.

(1 edit)

-very unstable.  Win7, 32-bit.  v0.3.13.0.   errors launching.  can't use .exe, must use .jar.  ("Bad Image.  ...  jvm.dll").    Java was already updated, recently.

I have seen this error mentioned in a thread from 3 years ago.  

 -close-crashes if i try to make it fullscreen or full resolution (1920x1200).  lots of random crashes at certain resolutions.  i finally got it to set to 1680x1050, not fullscreen; and now it only randomly crashes sometimes.  

  Crashes every time i press Save.  Manual saves appear  impossible, because of this.

(  seems every step is auto-saved.  Which is good for not losing progress; but terrible for getting stuck with a Game Over, bad outcome, or just experimenting with a choice you know you don't want to keep.)


From error.txt , from crash, when pressing "Save" :

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.position(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.<init>(

at com.majalis.talesofandrogyny.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.position(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;

at com.majalis.screens.AbstractScreen.getScreenshot(

at com.majalis.screens.AbstractScreen.takeScreenshot(


at com.majalis.screens.WorldMapScreen.access$1200(

at com.majalis.screens.WorldMapScreen$11.clicked(

at com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener.touchUp(

at com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener.handle(

at com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage.touchUp(

at com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer.touchUp(

at com.badlogic.gdx.InputEventQueue.drain(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.DefaultLwjgl3Input.update(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Window.update(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.loop(

at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.<init>(

... 1 more


I believe I am having the exact same issue.  Win7, 32-bit.  v0.3.13.0.

I am able to launch the TalesOfAndrogyny.jar directly, but it crashes, often.

Please provide instructions on creating the .bat file.  Thank you.

(2 edits)

Just tried the game.  Love it.  Here are some things I'd like to see:

-resolution/formatting option to position text area below all art, so you dont need to constantly Hide the UI.

-combat - improve feedback.  make it much clearer, at a glance, what everything does; no mouseover required.  to improve speed & streamline decision making.  player should know, intuitively what everything does.  [dont want to agonize over math when addled by horny brain.]

-ability to see all character status, as well as time advancement in town, and in all places. display status ailments on overworld screen.

-faster & easier to manage equipment.

-more tooltips.  what do things do?  ie. is Rectum status mechanically important?  the belly view, next to portrait?

-make it easier to understand which weapons will be better for your character.  especially because you can't actually check your Str & Agi while in shop view.

-Explain food, and basically everything better.  Things are becoming clearer, after several ironman playthroughs.  But these things should be clear from the start.  online information resources are limited.

-"Back" function, to see the previous text.

-Create Character - how did we get to this start?  what's the story up to this beginning?  even a quick "you started adventuring."  

- ^  this is mostly UI polish and quality of life stuff.

Thank you.