Added some sweet 8 direction (4 direction for graphics) movement and collisions with the background. Still has some moonwalking errors but those will be cleaned out eventually. I essentially copy pasted some of the movement code from DUNkrsh but it took a good moment to figure out how to properly ignore the additional 4 directions I don't need when updating the sprite.

Collisions is a big one, this the first time I've encountered the choice of deciding how to tackle "organic" obstacles. Usually it's recommended to make things tile based even if you do plan to have non blocky environments. But I really want the flexibility and there's not gonna be a whole lot of complex action involving collisions anyway. Here's me experimenting with Elipses and square colliders, I'm not sure how much performance it'll save as opposed to making one image with precise collisions but I'll see once I get some more backgrounds implemented and the workflow gets going.
Tonight I might get a camera system going to scroll along backgrounds bigger than the screen. My incoming todo is:
-Camera system
-Moving between rooms (kickass fade transitions perhaps?)
-More placeholder backgrounds developed and properly layered
-A way to make cutscenes or take control away from the player
-Some sort of simple intro cutscene tying the first area together
These tend to change as I discover pressing issues but it's what I think about atm.