Cover by Devine Lu Linvega
Picked this cover because I'm intrigued what a potential game featuring this would be like. So why not make it? I'm quite busy these past few days but I figured I could put a little time in and show off realllyyyyy early progress.
Straight up I'm gonna try and match the color scheming as best I can and go for a very manga-esque Blame! look. I'm thinking of going for a very moody topdown adventure game where you don't do much athletic stuff or combat, more figuring out stuff and exploring really strange environments. This is really sketchy pixel art here though and I'm just figuring out possible lighting conditions like cloud shadows changing the sprite etc.
I also mocked up a 3D render and just jammed random geometry together to make a more crowded scene, figure out potential space and layered elements. There's no rhyme or reason to the outer edges of the screen but you can sort of imagine very bizzare architecture from it. Idk I'm just using it for a noise guide for now.
This is more test art but I think I'm getting closer to how the architecture will render (still not too sure about dithering). But basically mock up a 3D render, use it as a guide to lay in some foundation, then go hog wild on the details. Part of me really wants to retain some of the sketchyness as I think that feels more inline with the cover. So I need to be careful not to go too perfect with the 3D forms or get too perfect with the pixel lines (this is an elaborate excuse just to rush the art more). I've dabbled in this sort of method before but this will be a test to see if it can be efficient. I may even just use 3D renders as placeholders when I need to make progress elsewhere.
This weekend I'll likely report back with some art placed in and some actual in-engine stuff.