Why would I be offended? You said what you thought about my game. I can't get offended by that.
Level 1:
Push the small box on the button to get to room 2,
Get the big box to the first button,
Take the small box on the second button,
use the respawned big box to reach the goal on the top right
Level 2:
Stand on the button until the box is also on the button,
Get to the goal
Level 3:
Jump to the top right with input lag
Level 4:
Use the box to your right to get the box on the left,
Use the box from the left on the rightmost button to unlock the door to the goal,
Use the respawned first box to unlock the goal with the middle button
Level 5:
Jump over the blue capsule (those decrease your input delay),
collect the red capsule (these increase your input delay),
You can walk through the energy walls if you have the input lag they have written on them,
Now go right, then left, walk forward until you go through a 4 wall,
Then collect the red capsule and drop down the 5 wall,
go right until you find the goal.
Level 6:
Push the box into the fan to open the door,
Push at least one of the 3 boxes out of the fans,
Use that box to reach the goal on the top right.
I hope that helps.