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Real voice acting? Not the kind of speech synthesis Maupiti Island used? I ask because I imagine it's difficult to find real voice actors and to bringt it all together. It would be great, naturally, but if you struggle to find enough people I'd suggest using such a method as in Maupiti Island.

I simply have no experience in creating speech synthesis voices. I've also no idea if there's software available to do so.

Finding voice actors/actresses is indeed very hard. Once I have the audio, putting it all together isn't hard though, I've been an audio editor on several commercial games in the past working with voice actor/actress audio lines, clean up and edit and get it all in the game.

(1 edit)

I understand. And just now I learned that Morteville Manor indeed had voice synthesis, I always thought Maupiti has pioneered with this technology... Anyway, as for me, I'd also have no problem if there was only text. As with all your remakes I can't wait to play this one. :)

Thank you, sir :)

Yes, Mortville Manor had voice synth but that sounded very unclear and robotically which made each spoken line quite hard to 'decypher' as player.

The nowadays 'natural voices'  synths are pretty cool, but still sound a bit off here and there. So therefor VA would be the best to replace the original voice synth Mortville Manor used.

So, if for some reason I can't find enough voice actors/actresses, I'll stick with text only indeed.
We'll see...