i didn't have the strength to look at the top choice ending ..i know pretty well how it goes
i am pretty much like Lilac in many ways , it's almost like looking at myself in a mirror
my childhood/teenager life has been so bad
i was always bullied at school..whether the bullies
bullied me with words or by hitting me or throwing stuff at me , teachers never cared about me seeing that ..the few time i did retaliate i was the one being wrong , even a few teachers been bad to me
i was the problem child pretty much like Lilac
counselling stuff was pointless too and they were not as nice as miss Khoury is to Lilac
i never thought about killing the bullies but countless time i thought about hurting them.
one of the time i did retaliate i rammed into one of them ..through a glass door..which could have hurt us both bad with glass shards but i didn't care about it.
life at home always been bad too.
there always were injustice against me and my brother, unlike him i did fought back against injustice for both of us which led me to being hit or strangled a lot
i love my brother a lot though not in a romantic way like Lilac
he has a good life unlike me , a wife and friends
there is not much time for me which annoys me ,
when i see him it's usually either with his wife or with his friends ,it's so rare when it is only me and him.
but well that's how adult life is.
characters art and backgrounds art is great too
the music goes well with it too i love it.
your visual novel is a masterpiece, you seem to grasp well how it is for people like Lilac