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(1 edit) (+1)

WOW, i am amazed with your creative idea, making what we see on mobile (e.g. website) becomes a field of the game!! Using mobile motion censor is also very unique. Graphics are modern and clean, audio is adding so much taste into the game - nice fit. The levels are difficult yet addictive like I played about 30 min straight (@.@)b

In my case, I'm using my laptop to review games here and I thought, for some people, switching a device and searching it there is a bit of obstacle - so I thought it could be great if you could put a QR code to the game page, which I place it below for folks on laptop if that's not troubling you at all XD (let me know if anything anytime)



I will add the QR! I couldn't decide whether I should or not from the getgo because I initially thought some people would be turned off by it. Also, thanks for your kind words :)