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So, I spend definitely too much time on this but the problem is within the code itself, the easiest solution for the problem is:

-DON'T GO TO LIZARD WARRIORS AT THE WEEKEND IN THIS UPDATE, if you go only once and the first event: Training will show off then you need to load the previous file, you will know if you started it in your current save (better save before going to warriors) if the only thing you get is a conversation between Rhot and Xer if you go to talk Rhot.

- First, you need to go Xeroth (He nedd to win the contest) and talk to him about "Last Contest"

- On the next day around 8:00 - 11:59 at the weekend go to Rhot he will be angry about Xeroth why he is absent

- Go back to Xeroth hideout and you will get a scene with him

- Now you can sleep another day for another dialog with Xeroth Talk: "Training with Lizards" and Task: "Sleeping Issues" (note: don't talk about the Last Contest before you talk about Training it will make the option about Training disappear)

The funny thing is when you go to Rhot and he will be angry about Xeroth and you leave and will go back to "Approach Warriors" the event: Training will trigger with Xeroth and Rhot while he is still sleeping in his hideout.

Now you are free to go and play and don't need to read the text about the code below :)

So, I was messing with code (don't worry, the solution above works with the official version), after many attempts to make it work (I'm not a real programmer, yet!) I saw where was the problem when the value is

" $ ruin_rhot_xer_training.number = 1 " 

then the program will read always this next line "if ruin_rhot_xer_training.number == 1"

 It will cause a problem where it will not trigger line "elif ruin_xer_lizard_training.limit == 2".

For this, I changed the code that firstly will read "if ruin_xer_lizard_training.limit" and later will read "elif ruin_rhot_xer_training.number == 1" 

With that it gives us an option to talk to Xeroth about "Last Contest" and then Rhot will be always angry about Xeroth even if accidentally approach warriors and start event: Training.

I'm aware that it might be not the best solution, I don't program in Ren'Py (that was my first time, lol) and I still must learn a lot. ( I'm sorry Hyao for messing with your code, don't hate me :<)

amazing! thank you so much :) is there no related sex scene to go with this? i was confused bc rhot' dialogue indicated there was something else but maybe it was just a set up

Right now there is nothing :(

oh, thanks. i was worried i was going to have to redo the whole update but it seems it just skipped to the end of the event and i missed nothing on relationship points or anything important like that. i can keep my previous save as it is.


did you check the code to see how to make xer win the contest?

I keep loading my save and I can't seem to make him win.