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I wouldn't say graphics are bad. At least, I didn't have trouble understanding what's what, and the fonts are good and readable.
I only had two problems. First, left click is used for picking and moving characters. I often pick someone to upgrade and they suddenly move from the perfect 'fishing' spot. Second, sometimes the game gets laggy. I assume, the number of trash pieces is causing it.
Otherwise, the game is good and strong in its idea and mechanics.


Thanks for the feedback and playing the game!

Huh, I actually never considered having rmb open the upgrades instead of lmb, that might be a good idea to implement. There's supposed to be a small deadzone distance where, even if you drag, the character won't move and will just open the upgrades, but I guess it wasn't big enough.

And I think the lag happens because of the unoptimised pathfinding haha
I added it last minute and didn't have much time to tweak it, I'll fix it in the next update.

Thanks again for the feedback!