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I like the first level being hard !

But I had an issue with the door not loading because I was having a portal from last stone to it, and it made me restart before I understand this issue, or maybe it's on purpose that we need to walk to it (I solved it by putting a dummy portal further the door). This happened to me on level 5 too. 

 Or sometimes I would get stuck on a corner walking (but I don't think it's an intended bug haha)

Nice game overall, it might be hard as a start (but I like it), sometimes it's not clear in terms of feedback why a portal doesn't "click" and disappear, and yeah this door thing.

It's original but it looks like different solutions should be tested more for a level.

Great game for a game jam though, I'm just saying all this because I read you planned to release it on mobile haha


First of all, thank you for playing our game and leaving a comment. Maybe your are the only person who enjoys the first episode to be hard. :D For the dummy portal thing, we are currently working on it, we are planning that if the all stones are collected and there is only 1 portal pair left, the player won't have to use a dummy portal to reach the door. The character will automatically move to the door instead.  Also, thank you for your comment about mobile at the end. These feedbacks are very important for us.