File is too big to post and I didn't feel like uploading to YouTube so I left you a screenshot.
"Does this only happen with the horse, or when you enter the map by road (from areas that are away from the town) too?"
-Yes, also when I go to map from other areas.
"I'm also interested to know what happens if you close the map"
-The game continues to run as it should, except the screen stays frozen. I can still move around though and I hear the audio from my footsteps.
Funnily enough, since writing this, the game properly loaded the map once. It was on a new save and the only noticeable difference was that I rushed to the stables to take a screenshot, and so
1. the file is very new
2. I don't have anything in my inventory except the contract 3. This was on Love, but as I said I have tested on Love before and it didn't work so this is an isolated case.
On the same save, I have not since seen the map, after trying both from a new area and the horses again. It has frozen every time after that (at least for a minute or so before I gave up).
This was super useful for me though since now I know what the map looks like and how to navigate it. I will keep playing your game, I'm having a blast.
More information:
The first time it happened I waited over 30 minutes so it's not just a load time thing
Here's the screenshot