Thank you for the report. I will look into it.
Update: this happens when you enter the trading menu the first time after opening the game, and the trader's inventory happens to be empty. I will fix it by the next release.
>Something Boreal
Maybe. I might add a couple of additional sources. But I think you underestimate the amount of glacial water that becomes available in the late game, which is when you actually need it the most. And if you have no idea what I mean: look at the entrances to mines.
>Could you just have the higher tier versions of the gloves/boots stack the previous effects onto the upgrade?
I saw several people actively considering their equipment during their playthroughs, and I don't want to remove that from the game. Verdant sandals may need a buff, though.
>Is there a win condition in the current game?
No. If you see no active quests (besides Ricardo's friends, which is always active), it means there is nothing else left in the story. All that's left is to explore until you've had enough.
>It seems there is a change in the book loottable
Yes, some books are replaced with map fragments, but it's around 1/10 in the early areas, so it shouldn't change much. The rest is just randomness (or the areas you choose to explore, since the selection varies between areas).
>I encountered Raemus heir.
Yes, you got scammed. He's a reminder not to trust random strangers (and you could avoid this result).
But you aren't the first one to get angry at him, so maybe I'll add some way to get back at him. Not assassins, though.
I'm sorry, but no. I can't give Steam keys to all people who buy the game on different platforms, otherwise most keys will just end up getting resold. I am not saying that I think you intend to do it, but it's the reason behind the principle.
However, version will receive all the same updates as the Steam one, so you really aren't missing out if you own one and not the other.
Hello, thank you for your input!
>I feel like clairvoyance potions should counteract the vision-reducing effects of fog.
That is a cool idea. It fits the flavour. I will probably make it that way.
>Why can’t I get “Something toxic” from fiend’s powderbox mushrooms? Given their effects in-game, I would think they would be a potent source of it.
They used to give that, but I changed it to something sinister at one point for more usefulness, as something toxic is abundant anyway. Now that I think of it, though, I can just make both options available.
>Some way to “unequip” potions from the throw action would be nice.
I never considered that it would be useful, but implementing it won't take long, so I will.
>I think it would be useful if there were some way to remove locations from the list once you no longer intend to visit them.
I will need to think of such a feature.
>I feel like all the mid-game research is all bunched up on the third row of the tech tree, and it would be better (both for readability and progression) if the third row were split into 2 rows, resulting in 2 rows for early-game research, 2 for mid-game, and 2 for late-game.
What is currently a late game won't be for very long, and specifics of the research tree, too, will be subject to change.
>I think it would be interesting if there was some way to “transmute” one alchemical ingredient into another
Something like alchemical gold is a possibility, but I don't have any specific thoughts yet.
If you press "F" in the examination mode (or click the icon with the magnifying glass and the door), the game will point the camera at one of the exits from the area. If you press it again, it will move to the next exit.
You can also move the camera by holding Ctrl or mouse wheel and either moving the mouse, or pressing the movement keys.
If you're playing on Windows, the save file should be in Users/.../AppData/Roaming/Alchemist/saves
There will be two files of the same name, called something like and 12323.metadata. You'll need both.
Unfortunately, it will not be compatible with the next version due to major changes. For smaller patches, saves are generally compatible.
It's not currently possible. I will consider adding such an option, but don't expect it too soon, as it's going to take some thought to implement.
There's also another option for diagonal movement aside from rebinding keys: you can point at the target in examination mode and then press the "confirm target" key (default Z, enter, space). Try it, maybe you'll like it more.
>is that you seem to have a rounding error in your code
There is some weird display issue that causes things like 1.01 to display when there shouldn't be. As far as I know, actual calculations are not affected, but I should probably get to fixing that either way.
>It seems as tho remapping the shift key doesn't work as intended.
Thank you, there was a bug with this command. I'll fix it by next release.
>Being able to pin a recipe
Planned for a while, but will probably not do it right now.
>an accessibility option to enable reloading
There will be an option for extra lives.
Thank you for writing this. Actually, the fact that someone got so impressed by the game as to write such a post is the highest praise I could hope to have.
>The alchemy system
To be clear, it's directly inspired by Prey's recyclers. So if you like my take on the crafting system, you'll probably like theirs.
>The homeward crystal is
It is, of course, intentionally pretty powerful. It's, after all, one of the later researches, and pretty costly to make. But there are plenty of items that allow you to escape danger, sometimes out of way worse situations, like the rift potion or the frozen time potion. Most of the time, if you can survive 20 turns, you can probably reach the exit anyway.
>I’m not sure if you’re planning on giving them more recipes, or just leaving them as something to immediately be converted into essences.
Some might receive additional properties, but in general there will always be simple items with only one use. I am considering adding some kind of autoconvert feature for those later.
>Why can you push stuff around?
Mostly niche tactical uses. Like moving a barrel of gunpowder to cause an explosion where it would be most useful, arranging debris to make a large fire, building an improvised barricade.
There's also something I forgot to mention anywhere in the game (I should), and it's that you can move stunned or crystallized creatures. You can move them out of your way, into hazards, or even push them into chasms, which is an instant kill. Try it, it's fun.
>My problem with them, however, is that semi frequently they will “chase” me, repeatedly moving towards my character.
The aforementioned update is probably going to help here. As they will be less likely to move towards you in general, they will be even less likely to do so repeatedly.
>change it so that you treat bats like passive animals while the character is holding a light source?
Good idea, I'll arrange that.
>I would like to see more uses for ecclesiastical knowledge
Not promising anything right away, but I am planning to expand the research tree in general, so there probably will be.
>Perhaps the devil saves you from an intro fight before you make your pact?
Indeed, there will be a new intro in the next release.
>I hope this isn’t a one time tutorial thing and is actually introducing me to a mechanic that is used throughout the game.
You are correct.
>It wasn’t clear to me how to cure the poison?
Antidote is an unlockable recipe. But in general, the best tactic is not to get poisoned, or at least not let it stack too high.
Vipers aren't actively aggressive, but I know a lot of people have issues with them.