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Wanderlust Games

A member registered Aug 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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It will be available to purchase here on itch.

Yes, King Fenris is human. So also yes to MC being either half-Tilaari or half-Kitalphan.

There are only three Queens (who are all married to Fenris at once), and MC is the youngest of eleven children, many of whom are mentioned throughout the game.

Ryona is both skilled enough, and has the right technology to tend to a wound without having to shave the area. So no,  MC is not bald (unless the player personally chooses to imagine them that way) 😊

Apologies, this has been fixed! 

Hi there, we need a little more info to be able to help with this. Can you please email a screenshot of the error message to us at and we'll go from there. 

Please make sure you're playing version 8.1 before posting bugs in here! A lot of these recent issues have been fixed in the patch

Yes, when we release Episode 10 the game will have an early access price, and then will be repriced accordingly once we release the final version. 

Sorry to disappoint but we won't be releasing A6 on mobile.

We haven't heard of that before now to be honest 😊 A6 isn't inspired by one thing in particular, but by a lot of different fantasy and sci-fi media.

Hey! Some parts have been changed a little so that any potential side romances involving an LI are controlled by the player, and won't happen on their own.
Also Alisa and Zane are an item, so more accommodations have been made for that to happen 😊

Hey there, I'm a bit unsure what you're hoping to reset in the game?

If you would like to reset your progress you can start the game over again (you can use the skip button to fast-forward through text you've already read). If progress were to be reset part-way through playing it would result in broken variables and bugs throughout the rest of the game.

Unless you were meaning a reset button where it wouldn't skip seen text? In that case, you can find that in the 'Options' menu.

Thank you so much, the team is so happy to hear how much you're enjoying the game!!

Thank you for your feedback! We've had the same feedback brought up before and can let you know that the species descriptions, interactions etc. are on our list to make improvements to and to make more meaningful, and you will see these changes reflected in the final version of the game.

Firefly Studios is correct! A lot of the key images are placeholders for future CGs :)

Unless you've deleted the files your saves should all still be there :)

Hi there, if you press 'A' while playing the game it will bring up an accessibility menu where you are able to change the font size :)

Hi there, you don't have to start over with every update, though we do sometimes suggest it just to make sure you don't get any continuity errors with the code. 

You may need to redownload or reinstall the game (depending on if you've manually downloaded it or are using the app) as it sounds as though it hasn't updated to the latest version for you. 

Hello, we're a little confused as to whether you've played through all available episodes? There are both kissing and intimate scenes available in the game so far, starting from Episode 5 onwards. 

Just a note that the game is rated 17+ so there will be no explicit writing,  and romance is not the main plot of Andromeda Six. Any physically intimate scenes require certain choices to be picked (though they are fairly obvious). If you need a guide or anything to get to these scenes, please let us know and we'd be happy to help out :) 

Hi there, After Dark is currently in development, the page for it  has simply been made private (as per a request from as there are no files currently available to download on it. 

Glad to hear that worked for you! :)

Hi there, sorry but this isn't an error we've seen come up before now. You may have to try uninstalling the game and then downloading it again, just in case something went funny during your update, otherwise, if it keeps happening you can click on the "Details for nerds" and either post a screenshot here or send it to and we'll look further into the issue.

Andromeda Six community · Created a new topic FAQ
(1 edit)

How many episodes will the game have
We are working with a 10 Episode plan, but we reserve the right to extend that if the need arises

Will A6 still be free after it is completed?
No.  When the final episode is released we will be putting a price on the game to assist with covering production costs. From there we will be editing and refining the game, adding some cool new features, and re-releasing it in its final version. 

Do you have to pick a romance in the game?
No, not at all. It’s possible to play a non-romantic route simply by choosing not to flirt with anyone, or by not locking down a route in Episode 5

Will there be NSFW content?
The game is rated 17+ so there will be a small amount, but any 18+content will only be shown in our upcoming side-story, After Dark.

Will you ever share Patreon content on social media?
No. The main game is free and will remain so until the final episode is released. The content we release on Patreon is exclusive for those who pay for it, and it is by no means required to enjoy the game and the story.

Will you ever make the mini-story, Birthday Surprise, available to purchase on
No. Any current and future mini-stories will be Patreon-exclusive only. Once you gain access through Patreon, the mini-stories are linked to your account.

Why aren’t the side-stories free?
Similar to Patreon content, the side-stories are not required to enjoy the main game and story, and the money made is used to assist with game development and ensure the developers are being fairly compensated for the time they spend working on the game.

Are you taking new writers/artists?
If we ever open positions, we will be sure to make an announcement for it on our social media.

Can I create fanart or fanfiction of Andromeda Six and its characters?
Yes, absolutely. In fact, we encourage it, and love seeing your creations. 

Can I sell/take commissions for A6 fanfiction?
No. Under no circumstances do we allow A6 fanfiction to be sold or created for profit. 

Can I sell/take commissions for A6 fanart?
Yes, under specific conditions. A6 fanart may only be distributed as a single, unique two-dimensional image for a single commissioner. You may not create or sell fanart with the intent for it to reproduced. 

Can I post official art from the game?
We do not allow the reposting of Andromeda Six art without permission and proper credit (sprites, backgrounds, etc). The art from the game is a personal asset of Wanderlust Games and our artists, and the only type of reposts we allow are screenshots from the game, with proper credit given. 

Can I use other art created by the A6 artists?
If you are wanting to use any of our artists personal art from their blogs for profile pics, edits, memes etc (like Deli's beach series) you must ask their permission first and credit them appropriately, as you would with any other artist. Their personal work is not our property, and anything you want to do with them needs to be addressed directly with the artist.

Can I post videos of Andromeda Six?
Let's plays with commentary are totally fine (both the main game and DLCs).

Will Andromeda Six be released on Steam?
Yes, once the final episode is released it will be available on Steam as early access.

Will Andromeda Six be released on mobile?

Are you going to translate Andromeda Six into other languages/Would you like me to translate A6 for you?
Andromeda Six is far from being completed, and translation isn’t something we are considering at this stage of development. If we ever do decide to take on translators to help with the task, we will advertise on social media.

You'll usually get this error if you play from a file that was saved during the beta and before the scene with the ring was added. The option is in the first scene with Nerissa in Episode 7.

Hi there,

Thanks for letting us know, we'll look further into this error.

Hi there,
Ren'py (the system we use to build the game) is no long supporting the 32-bit system from their last update. It's not something we have any power to change on a developer level.

Sorry for the disappointment, but we won't be creating a mobile version of the game.

Hi there, we haven't come across anyone else having this problem. It may be an issue with your PC, something like your graphic drivers needing to be updated. 
If you continue having problems please send us an email to with a screenshot of your issue attached, and we can look further into this for you.