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It's interesting to me that in the beginning of this comment you write explicitly that morality and ethics are subjective, yet the entire time you hold your specific viewpoint high up as if it were objective truth. In fact, in a different comment thread you go as far to say that what you're exclaiming is a "universal truth".

There's really no point in arguing with someone that engages with ideas in this manner, that their sense of morality is above everyone else's - that the system of ethics they operate within is infallible.

My stance exists counterpoised to yours; that ParkMinJoke not only CAN write about what they want but they are free from the shackles of an overarching morality that tells them not to.

Now of course we can have a diatribe about what this means in greater contexts outside of the game - as you tried to do with the comparison to Mein Kampf - but it immediately falls flat on its face as soon as you actually start to understand the context of the abuser in this game. It is not someone who's actions are explicit outside of narration, no acts are shown and this main character (you) aren't heralded as a role model. In fact you are, by playing as the character, effectively doling out his punishment for the crimes he has committed.

To uphold laws as the grand dictation of morality is problematic to say the least. Of course I can point to many times that morally depraved acts were completely legal (see: police bombing of the black liberation project MOVE, the ongoing genocide of Palestinians, slavery, etc.) - yet we still understand these to be morally reprehensible. UNLESS of course, you hold the legal system up as the definitive guide to morality. As for "unwritten laws" I'd argue they are equally as unimportant as written laws. Laws, as they exist today, primarily are to keep working class people down while uplifting the rich. This is why a black man who steals 53 dollars from a store gets sent to prison for 15 years and a CEO who funnels billions of dollars (again, theft) only sees 40 months in prison.

I see very little point in addressing most claims that you are making because the foundation of those claims are found on a morality that is flawed in nature. I'd suggest taking a step back and re-examining how you define morality before you try and have a conversation like this.

I will clown on you for saying ridiculous things however:
"Speaking of books (which you definitely know less off, considering giving me European literature)" lol biggest cope I've seen - what are you trying to convey with this message? Obviously you don't know Marquis De Sade as you kept calling him Italian and said his work was from 1976 (???).

"WHICH IS MOSTLY PLAYED BY CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS" lol the themes in Silent Hill 2 are literally worse than, and I can't stress this enough, the creator of the game simply saying the word "child abuser".

"It's an application, a game application." the fact that you differentiate between art and video games is quite frankly the worst aspect about the arguments you present *yawn*

"The person should not engage with themes like that in this manner, that's all it is and that's true." true according to who? You? Some random person on the internet? Literal nonsense statement.

"that's just wrong, it's as simple as that, because of many reasons, written above" you literally give no examples on why you are right. Quite literally you're arguments are "I'm right because I'm right" or "I'm right because my morality is based on laws, which are right". Which, most funny of all, laws agree with me here. There is no law in any country (that I know of ) that prohibits you from expressing a character as a child abuser. I mean for christ's sake, since you're such a European literature buff I'm sure you're aware of Nobokov's Lolita? A story about a child abuser and how romantically it paints his abuse. Best seller in many countries!

"If you think differently, be my guest, I won't change my argument and solid opinion about this" You're argument is useless and your opinion isn't solid, for the reason I stated above.

This entire comment section stands as a monument to our moralities and how it affects the people surrounding us. While you spent the last week harassing and bullying this fledgling game designer, who clearly does not speak English, I was able to foster in them an engaging way to think about narratives. I gave them constructive advice on how to improve the way they tell the story within the game, what did you do again? Repeatedly say that you're reporting the game because you disagreed with the word choice, even after they changed it? While, yes, I'd concede you offered criticism is was not constructive, it was destructive.

You could have said "The theme is immature and tasteless, child abuse is a heavy topic and I'd consider changing the reason why the player character deserves punishment." Yet instead you chose to insult and bash them. You talk about morals as if you are pious, yet given your track record on this thread, the way you talk to game designers, and the way in which you responded to other people - I'd say you're anything but pious.

Deleted 3 years ago

Wait can you write another long winded reply that nobody cares about real quick

Deleted 3 years ago

That's actually a good point

Deleted 3 years ago

^ making all of this up


They are not making this all up. They have comments on my games. The reason why I moved on from BGE to CC6 (those are game engines) and I've started gaining more followers and people start noticing me is because they did wrote comments on my games. I don't agree with every thing they said, but constructive criticism is more important to me, personally, than positive feedback. 
They have also contacted me on my email, which is on my page and yes, they helped me in some way to grow as a game developer.


Oh, I'm sure. I'm just satirizing how mindlessly dismissive their arguments are.

I disagree. I can't say anything about their views, but, I do think that certain themes are just no go for games, especially ones published on and that's just human nature and culture to be aware of using certain words and not triggering anyone else.

The solution is placing trigger warnings, not declaring subjects off limits.

Sorry, but "child abuse" has limits. The same reason, why you can't talk about prostitution in church. No one says you won't, but you can't.
Honestly, I can't explain you how life works, that's not my responsibility. Take care.

"I can't explain you how life works"
Oh cool, the same level of "my worldview is objective" arrogance as the other person.

Anyways, the fact that you're comparing to a church is hilarious.

I did not say my world view was 100% solid, that's your argument. And by saying what you meantioned I meant that it's the job of whoever raised you to teach things and not mine. Church comparison was hyperbolic, it serves the purpose to show that there are certain places, where certain topics are off limits and they shoulf stay that way. And don't call me ignorant please, you don't know me. 

Sorry, but basically, what you are saying is that there is no subject off limits, meaning 7 year old's can talk about pornography and NSFW?  That's messed up buddy. There are things you should know not to talk about or showcase, especially on certain platforms. 

"what you are saying is that there is no subject off limits"

I think you're on to something...

"meaning 7 year old's can talk about pornography and NSFW?"

I've already expressed support for placing trigger warnings. If you take your logic to its extremes, then we should all avoid discussing certain topics in ANY context because a 7 year old might be secretly listening in. Absurd censorship logic.

Hey, just to bring things back into context and out of this fantasy land of hypotheticals, we're talking about a game that mentioned child abuse in the abstract in one line of its description, and NOWHERE in the actual game.

Yes, we should avoid talking about certain mature topics around children and in certain places. And finally, yes, we are talking about the game that meantioned "child abuse" with no purpose and no help to whomever, which makes it wrong to just put in the game at the first place. I am not against anybody, I am just concerned that this topic is innapropriate to be used in this context, that's it.