no problem
Recent community posts
"what you are saying is that there is no subject off limits"
I think you're on to something...
"meaning 7 year old's can talk about pornography and NSFW?"
I've already expressed support for placing trigger warnings. If you take your logic to its extremes, then we should all avoid discussing certain topics in ANY context because a 7 year old might be secretly listening in. Absurd censorship logic.
Hey, just to bring things back into context and out of this fantasy land of hypotheticals, we're talking about a game that mentioned child abuse in the abstract in one line of its description, and NOWHERE in the actual game.
I'm curious why it was suspended to begin with. Let's suppose it was intended for the game to allude to child abuse: doesn't it make sense for this sort of subject matter to be in a horror game, which broaches horrifying subject matter such as child abuse? To be clear: I can understand a suspension if the game was glorifying child abuse, or if the game actually contained graphic descriptions/depictions of child abuse. But otherwise, as far as the mere mention/allusion to child abuse, shouldn't a content warning suffice-- and shouldn't players decide for themselves whether they wish to engage with potentially triggering media? Because to me, it seems appropriate for the genre.
Forgive me if this is a silly question, I only ask after browsing the TOS and community guidelines, and not finding anything on the matter.
(Of course, if ParkMinJoke failed to put up aforementioned content warning/adult content warning, then I can ALSO understand the suspension...)
I don't understand what the person below me is on about, considering this is a horror game, and playing as the antagonist is hardly a new thing in storytelling. This game has bigger problems, however. The cursor doesn't lock during gameplay, so it kept moving over to my second monitor as I looked around, and while figuring out the controls at first, this led to me repeatedly clicking myself out of the game. Looking around itself is incredibly glitchy/jumpy - so is movement, I constantly kept getting stuck in objects and would have to restart the game because I couldn't move. After a while it just lost steam and I stopped playing. If you can fix the glitches I mentioned above, it might be more playable.