>Sorry, I don't really understand what you mean.
This is the UI element I mean:
I feel something similar could be used as a cover indicator when you put your cursor near cover elements (or already have an unit adjacent to cover), cause sometimes I'm unsure how good a certain piece of cover is since their looks can vary quite a bit. On that note, I forgot to mention before, but I feel you should be able to shoot through windows while crouched, they just don't look tall enough that standing up should be necessary.
>The initial battles have to be easy to allow beginners to learn how to play the game.
That's fair enough, but I don't think it's necessary for them to be 1vs1 to be easy, and with 1vs1 there's still the problem that mistakes are much more unforgiving, and if you get your one unit stun locked there's nothing else you can do but just wait for him to die.>I'm not sure if ammo adds anything tactically interesting to the game. All it means is that the player to do extra work (clicking a reload button every few shots). However, I will consider adding it as a feature, but other features have higher priority.
I think you're selling such a feature short, I believe having to reload and limited ammo gives more depth to weapons, having to make sure you'll have enough ammo for a battle, making you consider if you will be able to reload when you need to without risking yourself too much, being able take advantage of the enemies having to reload in certain situations, allowing more differentiation between weapons with different mag capacities and reload AP costs, maybe even having to swap to a secondary if reloading is gonna be too costly and you need to shoot now, different ammo types giving you more reason to use different weapons depending on availability of ammo and whether it's worth using a harder to come by ammo instead of a more common one, rather than just obsoleting a weapon instantly cause you got one with better stats, maybe you will have to pick up some ammo off the ground if you run low, etc.
>I don't think that feature would make the game more interesting to play, just more complicated. Just because other games do it, does not mean it's good.
Well, I don't mean to say you should do it just because other games do, but rather show an example of a fairly simple and common solution to this problem, since diagonals give considerably more distance and therefore give more value to moving in a diagonal if the cost is the same, +50% AP cost is easy to keep track of and good enough approximation to the real difference. Without accounting for the difference moving in a diagonal feels like a constant exploit IMO. Makes me think of those glitches in some old games that allow you to move faster in a diagonal.
>the sound is heard from the perspective of the currently selected merc, so his own footsteps will sound loud. I don't know what you mean by "weird"
Well, they sound kinda muffled and low quality.
>the roof disappears if your soldier gets close to the building, or if he spots an enemy inside the building. Maybe that's what happened.
That's probably what happened the second time I had it happen then, but the first time I had barely gotten into the map and didn't even have visual range into the building that was revealed.>Well, first level interrupt is limited, otherwise there would be no point in upgrading to second level.
Yea, but it feels like it makes the first interrupt level disproportionally worse compared to later ones, example:
As far as I've observed, enemies can diagonally move through the marked red lines without triggering an interrupt, and these are inconsistent since you don't have any dead zones if you aim straight north, south, east or west. The other levels don't have these dead zones (aside from having your field of view limited by cover). I'm not sure how you could solve this though, other than having interrupt be able to trigger "in-between" tiles.
>You mean it targeted a different soldier than the one that moved? Yes, the code is set to do that, but maybe I should change that.
I see, that wasn't very clear to me since AFAIK the player units can't do that.>I don't know what you mean by that.
I'm talking about how you can also automatically increase a skill by using it enough, which for me happened when one unit increased his auto skill after a battle, I had previously thought you had to always manually spend skill points. I think it's cool.
>Yep, they can do that. I might add a feature, so they move out of your way if they are blocking a doorway.
That would be good too, but my main issue with that case was with how my grenade was stolen, perhaps you could make it so they won't try to take items dropped by player units for one turn.
>They do look for cover. The AI moves in range to the best target, fires and then takes cover, if there is any about. Obviously, it can't take cover if there is no cover about. They may do nothing if they don't have enough APs to do anything. Remember, if they have been hit many times they can lose a lot of APs.
I don't mean to say they always do exactly what I had said, but I find they do it way too often. In the screenshot example only a few of them got shot, and there was cover they could've used around them, a few did take cover eventually, but most of the time they barely moved while taking shots, and sat around around each other in the open, with the occasional lone unit rush, until they decided to retreat.
>Eventually, the "overworld" will be changed completely, (see this post: https://itch.io/t/1355801/new-strategic-design), so not really worth the bother.
Nice, that does look like a big improvement.
Also, I sent you an e-mail.