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(1 edit) (+3)

I really liked the sense of scale. Normally I'm not a big fan of being able to step-move within what feels like a single grid cell but here it worked.

The graphics and environments are great and detailed and with really appropriate ambient audio and the voice was a very nice touch.

The physics for the hammer and two-hand grip is interesting. I found it a little bit hard to maneuver in the beginning but after some practice I was swinging like I was Thor. It would be nice if it stuck to the hand more, or at least if one could toggle that.

The combat mechanics was a bit different and plays like a resource management based puzzle which require a wee bit of planning which is cool. It would've been really nice with a save system.

Also, running would be nice too. I.e by pressing front trigger while moving.

All in all I really enjoyed my time Alone in Space :) After all this time working with VR I'm still amazed how immersive it feels.

Edit: I did not experience any motion sickness :)

Well done :)


After posting my review, I see we are on the same page here.


Thanks zooperdan!
We were trying to keep the gridder feel while still getting close enough to physically touch things in VR space! 
It took a bit of balancing to find the right size grid that worked

Yes we didn't realise holding the hammer was such a big problem until the end of the jam, when we were testing end to end by then it was too late! Something to add post-jam!

Glad you liked the combat mechanics, we figured everyone else would be doing a traditional style crawler so we focused on the Think outside the box and attempt to push the genre further by adding to it. rule!

Originally we were going for more of a tower defence style combined with DC but we discovered that either the TD mechanics took over and made the crawling mechanics useless or visa-versa so we reduced that TD aspect to just building the towers and leaned into the dungeon crawling, it is the DC game jam after all! :D

There is a level based save system so that you can restart from the last level you played but yes an in-game system would be nicer especially with the resource management aspect!

We actually had a whole options page for things like running/sounds/some comfort options like dash movement but we spent too long trying to make it work with wrist menu that we ran out of time!

Glad you enjoyed it and didn't feel any motion sickness!