So I was able to get 200+ attack and kept getting stuck at around stage 40 or so - the part where the enemies got to level 4000+. Here's some of my thoughts.
The game would benefit greatly from tooltips. Hover your mouse over a skill, and a description would pop up. I can sort of guess what some skills do, but others like "hiring" and "learning" are a bit vague.
The skills menu is a bit buggy. If I level up super fast to the point where I *should* have earned multiple skills, I only get to earn one. Sometimes I start with a skill, and getting through the first few stages go super fast. Other times I start without a skill, and getting to the second level takes a great deal of time.
The power on characters is very vague to me. What does having 100 on my guy mean? How can I gauge whether I'll be able to defeat my opponents? How can I gauge whether I can one-shot my opponents? How much will my guys "number" go down if I can't one shot my opponent? For example with defense - there's the actual equipment on the character, then there's a generalized defense thing you level up, then there's the skill that you put gold into. Do all of these effects multiply together?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's essential in idle games for the player to understand the left and right of everything so they can decide exactly how they want to progress. Take a look at NGU idle - that is one of my favorites and it has a high amount of clarity on the return you'll get for your investments.
I enjoyed the game and it was definitely a feat for the short time-frame. The game could use some ironing out specifically with how you convey information to the player. Consider spacing out when you give information, rather than dumping it all in the beginning. Nonetheless, good job!