So im on the right way as you like the progress, feedback from others is good too.
Upgrade Wise i plan to implement a weight System and have different Rarity of Upgrades which also will give different values. With that there gonna be also a description in the future for the cards.
Armor Upgrades didn't actually do anything, besides them all others should work, but i haven't tested them fully yet myself to be fair. Since im planning on adding more Upgrades it wasn't fully the focus yet since we have go over them again.
The save progression seems to be bugged on some spots and im checking on it.
But its good so i can keep an eye on that, as developer you know yourself you often dont run into certain bugs or issues, as you know how your system is working.
I've encountered myself a couple bugs to, when you restart the level inside the level, the enemy speed and health don't get reset as they still run on the timer from previous Game.
Thanks for the words, im really excited about the project, we're switching actually from the Platform Arena Level to a more open Level with Terrain and changed the sizes of everthing.
The Enemies also will be way slower at the start in next upgrade but a little more tanky, i wanna get the speed at the beginning a little bit out. And also we're playing a little bit with the Light.
Also im working on the Mission you have to close the "dimension portal" were the Kaijus enter this world and for that you need to collect certain things on the map and kill special Enemies.
Thats the plan for now. Thanks for playing and testing