I completed the demo, it was fun. Movement was smooth and felt good, double jumping was as satisfying as always, and the boss fight was designed well. I also liked the background tileset, it was simple but laid out well and pleasing to watch scroll by. I didn't kill all the mummies (that guy on the spikes...), but I assume that northeast area was filling up with sarcophagi as I killed more - pretty cool if that's the case.
Some feedback / pain points:
- the attack hitbox wasn't always very clear - it seems like the hitbox extended past the weapon arc graphic, but even so it still felt a bit short-ranged. This became problematic in the boss fight when I'd have to strike, then immediately run away before I could attack again and was never quite sure how far to run away nor from how far away I could safely swing.
All in all a great demo, I had a good time!