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this game was good, however there are a couple of things i want to address


First, the sprite work is great, but it doesn't work together, the enemies sprites are black and very well animated, but the tilemaps looks like they are from a different game, same thing with the player sprite.

Second, the music is gorgeous and it works well with how the enemies look, but again, the tilemaps & background just doesn't fit at all the atmosphere of the game.

and finally the biggest problem is the gameplay, a lot of stuff are broken and don't work correctly, or just bad in design or not photographed well, here are a couple of examples:

the health disappears after taking any damage.

the 4 doors at the beginning makes no sense, while i loop back to the same room multiple times, i don't know which door is open and which isn't, they are not even blocked, just doesn't work until you trigger the circle thing, i just hope it tells me which door is open so i can go to it.

the final room (the protal) is broken, the tentacles don't do damage and they will just pass me, they covered the screen in black and then i went uder it, and now it's stuck up there blocking my view so i can't see where am going, not only that, but when i tried saving and relaunching the game, i spawned in the room without a player and now am stuck and can't do anything.

the enemies design is weird, the fly seems like it flies randomly with no direction, until i come close to it it attacks me, the wolf just wanders around and can fall into "spikes" like if nothing happened, and the spider retreats when i attack it, so if i shoot 2 bullets it will retreat and keep going back giving me a free hit on it, bcz of that, the flies are confusing, the wolf is annoying, and the spider is cheese-able.

the moving platforms won't keep you on them, so i need to move with them, i can see this as a design choice but it's more annoying than challenging.

the 3 colored attacks are not telegraphed well, while it's obvious who takes damage from which, but since there is not much use of it, and how tedious it is to switch colors, it just feels like an unnecessary extra work for the player, you can add a much better depth if they all take damage the same way, bcz when there are multiple types of enemies, they block bullets from each other and you will start to just cycle between the colors hoping that wolf won't go over the spider and block the shot.

it's annoying to keep going up to press the numbers, am not an online shooter games fan so am not used to pressing the numbers while playing, i'd have to leave the movement buttons to go up and choose the one i want, an easier solution is to use Q/E to cycle between them.


i know i complained about a lot of things, but it hurts me to see this game like this when it could've been much much better with some more play testing and optimizing.

This is the best comment i ever received , on a game that i participate making. You are amazing, i wish to find more people like you. And yes i took all the notes to fix the game. I come in this jam as pixel artist, i am low in coding. So i took over , the Menus . We lost all the coders, and i took over that as well, player, enemies. The dark , sprites are from the light system i implemented, dont know to deal with that yet. On unity works fine, but after i did the build, this bug came, i think is from layer select, choice. Any way Thank You very much for your long review, i took notes, ill follow you, and send a link when ill fix the bugs, and improve the game. Have a happy life my friend :* .

Your game has 2D lights, so just add a global light and set it for the enemies layer, that should work

I see, ill try that then. Thank you for the type. 😉

Yes, thank you so much for the the coment, we really apreciate it, as the gameplay problems that was becouse we lost all our programers in the last week where the play testing occur so we couldnt fix everything on time.  The color atacks would have more funcionalities like activating platforms, breaking color tiles etc, and we lost cause of the programmers issues 2 habilites that go with the colors. Sorry when we finish this game we will send you a note with the link of this game finished. :)