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I've been playing this for over an hour and still haven't finished yet, very well done! I love that some of the rooms actually remind me of original Metroid rooms (especially the vertical ones). I'm really impressed with what upfront seemed like such a simple premise turned out to be such an expansive game. There's also some really good design work here from the various abilities to the well thought-out routing which naturally leads you to the next goal despite reusing a lot of the same rooms for different routes - and then there are the challenge hearts. Very well done!

Some feedback:

- I'm sure it's obvious, but this needs some kickass cowboy tunes.

- I thought the first bandit was an NPC cause he didn't attack me so I faceplanted into him and died. :P In lieu of designing a new enemy AI for him, you could potentially put him in an environment that seems more threatening or maybe have the wanted sign above him. 

- The controls initially felt too fast and manic, but I got used to them as I played. There were a few hiccups with several of the shot gun jumps being extremely tight as well as bull rush jumping from/onto steep slopes being frustrating at times, but they were both still very fun mechanics so to me it's just a matter of polishing them up.

Great entry, I'm definitely going to finish it (I just got the dynamite, so I think all I'm missing is a winter coat perhaps? I'm pretty low on heart containers though haha).

(1 edit)

Thank you for the compliments and the feedback. Glad you enjoyed it! 

- Would love to add music. Let me know if you know anyone who could make music that fits

The original plan was for the bandits to be boss battles, but jam time limits got in the way so instead they just stand there. But yeah, probably should have made it more clear you need to shoot them.

- Yeah the double jumps could be easier. I had trouble balancing "giving the player room for error" vs "accidentally making it possible to clear higher ledges than intended with precise timing". Same with the bull rush. In hindsight the room you need to escape from after obtaining it requires way too much precision.

P.S. Good luck with the rest of the game if you go back to it! I'd say dynamite is about 70% of the way through it.

Aha yeah, I went back and beat it! It was very fun. I think in terms of the double jump, there's definitely a balance between making it easy to do what the developer wants the player to do (or at least obvious that that is the intended path) vs. not allowing the player to break the game.

I generally just get my jam music on opengameart, but I don't know if they have any western music.

Just noticed the code for reducing vertical speed when releasing jump was accidentally duplicated. So you lose basically all momentum from a jump the instant you release the button - would explain why double jumping is so difficult!