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I just published a devlog and while writing or editing I can see all of the in-line images as expected but when viewing the published article, the in-line images are gone. I am in Canada, Rogers ISP. Any help?


This sounds like a separate issue, like there’s a problem with the markup you provided. In any case, if you want us to debug something you should link directly to the page with the issue.

Also, I just want to note that you replied to the person who made this topic, and not anyone on the itch team who can help you.


the link that doesn't work is basically the whole itch page's all images (avatars, gifs, screenshots). Any texts, download links are working at all times. Images sometimes work normally, and sometimes at half capacity (?) meaning the gif covers are not playing when mouse cursor hovering on top, but images and avatars work.

At least this is what I experience whenewer I check As I wrote above, I am from Hungary, and it seems with any other provider it works, with mine (what I have at home) isn't. I don't know if it's a setting I should check on wifi/router, as tablet (ipad) and laptop also does the same (simultanaously working or not working), or it's something that the proveder does time to time, like it's a speed/connection issue on the provider's side.

Thank you for your help.