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(7 edits) (+1)

I really like the art style in this game! The forest has a very spooky feel to it. I think that some 8 bit or MIDI sound effects and music would blend with the graphics perfectly. Like aXu said, looking around is very slow (playing on Windows 10). Also, I couldn't find any way to exit the game besides ctrl-alt-delete.

The game does a good job with the theme. Having to take breaks to warm yourself inside encourages you to relax and observe the fire and the interior of the house.

To avoid the player falling off the world when they go too far, you could add some sort of barrier like rocks, hills or even just a wall of thick bushes and trees.

I think that gathering wood would be more fun if you had to time the axe swings or change where you're hitting the tree with each swing, and in exchange you could chop them down faster. Right now, it can be a bit repetitious since you're just holding down a button.

Good work!

Thanks for the comprehensive feedback! I did plan to have an area trigger or something to inform the player and stop them when they reach the end of the forest, but like I said I ran out of time to implement that. I will certainly bump up the mouse sensitivity and implement audio when I complete the game post-jam, and take into account your feedback on the tree-chopping. Thanks!

Glad I could help!