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Escapade Games

A member registered Apr 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice game! I think it would be nice to have a win/lose condition instead of just maximising a score that is going up on the side, so we know whether we have "completed" a level or not and get a sense of satisfaction when we do so.

Very enjoyable game and nice artstyle! My main complaint is that some of the minigames can be very unforgiving, you could perhaps make the reaction time window a bit more generous, as well as make the hitboxes smaller in that cat running minigame (the 2nd one).

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Nice game! And congratulations on your first jam game! My biggest issue is that I went through most of the game without really knowing how the mechanic worked, so making the tutorial clearer and more specific (e.g. 1 Lava + 1 Water = 1 Land, 2 is max for each stat) would go a long way.

Thank you for playing! Sadly I was aware of your issue, but couldn't fix it in time before the jam deadline. If you have a Steam Deck or another PC with a more advanced CPU perhaps you could try playing there.

Nice to see you got it working! Your idea is interesting, though I will probably need to tone down the gravity if I implement it.

I'm sorry, I really can't diagnose the issue. I thought it might have to do with whether multithreading was available or not, but I tried exporting a WebGL version with multithreading enabled and it still ran into the same problem. From some online Googling, your Windows CPU doesn't support multithreading but your Mac CPU does. I think this has something to do with the Godot 2D physics engine that is out of my control, I was aware that my game was pretty intensive on the physics engine but didn't have time to optimise it before the deadline. I might have to ask around people that are more familiar with this than I am.

May I know if you are using a very old PC? This is the same problem I ran into on WebGL, which is why I had to remove it. I suspect that if the hardware is very old and doesn't support multithreading or something this problem occurs.

Thank you!

I see. My game involves drawing objects with the mouse and then turning those into physics objects, so it is normal for each collision polygon to have high double-digit or even more than 100 vertices in them. Maybe that's why. I also enabled collision detection to play a sound effect, but I made it so that it disabled itself after one collision, so I don't think that's the main problem. All my physics code is in _physics_process as you said though.

Very nice and well-polished game! Only problem is that some of the puzzles can be a bit frustrating to solve because it's hard to position the objects precisely when you throw them, or it is difficult to position the dimensional box in exactly the right place.

Also how do you get such a pretty-looking game in WebGL? I tried to port my Godot game to WebGL (also in 4.3) but the 2D physics just broke, so I had to remove it.

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Hi, you can find the scripts to the project at While I did not upload the assets themselves, you can find the scene tree in the and scripts to get an idea of the project structure.

Hi, sorry it's been such a long time, but you can find the scripts to the project at In particular, the dice movement code can be found in the script.

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Very creative take on the theme! The audio in the HTML5 version seems to be a little buggy though. Also, is it just me, or are the obstacles actually symmetric, so you only have to take one side of the bird into account? :D

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Very nice and enjoyable game! I loved how you used the mechanic in so many ways to create great puzzles.

The artstyle and sound design is very nice, but I managed to complete the game by just spawning skeletons left and right alternately, without using the upgrade mechanic at all, so gameplay wise it could definitely be tweaked.

Excellent game! I think it was lacking some polish like sound effects, but otherwise was very well done.

Thank you!

My solution to Oiler went something like this:

1. Bring the 1st vine upwards to guide water to itself through the top hole.

2. Bring the 1st vine towards the base of the 2nd vine to guide water towards it. Make it roughly flat where the water lands on the vine body so water is divided between both vines.

3. Using the yellow shiny, guide the 2nd vine over to the hole above the 1st vine to let water flow into it (this is the step that caused the most headaches, as every time I tried to guide the 2nd vine with the yellow shiny the 1st vine would ride along as well, disrupting the flow of water to the 2nd vine, eventually I managed to use a combination of both the yellow shiny and the blue shiny to let the 2nd vine extend far enough ahead of the 1st vine so only the 2nd vine is within the radius of influence of the yellow shiny).

4. Use blue shiny to shrink 1st vine, then use yellow shiny to guide it towards beehive.

By the way, I don't think having the shinies caught in walls is a framerate issue, it's just that when the cursor moves far enough away from the shiny the cursor loses it, which is nothing wrong, but when you are trying to quickly move the shiny away from vines to stop influencing them and you lose the shiny because you accidentally moved through some walls, it can be quite frustrating.

Nice game and idea, I enjoyed it!

Some criticisms I had:

- Cannot read signs while holding shiny

- Sometimes vines will get stuck and I have to restart (in earlier levels)

- The last few levels were very finicky (especially 'Oiler') and I had to retry many times, because it was very hard to use the shinies to manipulate the vines how I wanted, very often I would try to "rush" a shiny past a vine I didn't want to move, but the vine would still catch the shiny and move just a little bit which was enough to mess up the flow of water. Also I would sometimes lose the shiny if I moved it at a very high speed, because it would get caught in some terrain, which was very annoying in the last few levels.

Yeah, during my own playtesting the game would also get laggy when there are too many objects on the board, but I was unable to fix it in time. Still, thanks for playing!

I see. I personally thought it fit the theme quite well, though we all have different interpretations of the theme and that's ok. As regards to your idea, 1) I'm not sure if it would make the game too easy, as part of the difficulty of the game is the lack of control the player has over the shape once it is drawn, making it paramount that they draw it to exactly the right proportions 2) I'm not sure how expanding the shape when it's already on the board would mess with the physics engine, I imagine it would most likely result in unexpected behaviour. Still, thanks for playing!

Thank you!


Thanks! I didn't add many animations and sound effects due to lack of time, but also because I thought it fit the minimalist vibe better.

Very generic idea, but a very polished execution of it, I can easily see this one scoring well in Graphics and Audio. The only bit of polish I would've wanted is a satisfying winning jingle when you solve a puzzle. Undo functionality would be nice as well if there was time.

To give more details, I imported each level as an Image instead of a texture, with the white parts being transparent, and used Bitmap.create_from_image_alpha() to generate the bitmap. I then used set_bit_rect() to subtract out the area of the non-active player, then opaque_to_polygons() to generate the collision polygons. As for why I imported each level as an Image instead of a BitMap directly, it's because I can use Texture. create_from_image() to generate the background sprite for the level, so each level only requires one PNG file as a resource.

Great game! Ngl I felt like my anxiety level was going through the roof trying to avoid all those spinners, especially the first one in Level 4, really hard to avoid that one.

Great game, had tons of fun with this one! You should really get more people to play it, currently it only has 13 ratings.

The graphics and music were very nice, but personally I didn't find the gameplay to be engaging enough. Maybe I didn't progress far enough, but just moving around with WASD while the gun does the shooting gets boring after a while. I also felt the game needed more "juice" - small things like the tank facing the direction it is moving, enemy knockback, recoil, more animations etc. can go a long way towards making the game a lot more enjoyable to play. But still, I can tell you put in a lot of work into this submission. I'm not sure whether you were short on time or just starting out, but I hope you don't mind the negative feedback and are able to take it in.

I mainly used bitmaps, Godot has some very nice functionality for converting bitmaps to collision shapes. If you want I can make my source code available.

Nice game! Main drawbacks I felt were that the sprint speed was too slow and some of the narrow spaces (e.g. the pipe-tunnel thing) were too confusing to navigate. But otherwise an interesting concept well-executed.


10/10 would recommend this piece of hot garbage to my friends

Interesting game. The darkness of the game, while it added to the horror aspect, made it very difficult to find your way, and I ended up just wandering aimlessly around to try to find the exit, so I think making it a bit brighter would help a lot, horror games don't have to take place in perpetual darkness. Maybe a death animation would have been cool as well, but other than what I've mentioned the game was fine.


Very fun game, although it can get quite hectic towards the end. I felt that the frog actually hurt more than helped because his bullets look too similar to the bullets fired by the enemies, maybe you could have made them green or something.


Thanks, I did also consider having W for jump and Space for switch, but decided not to go with it because from what I know, Space is the key typically used for jumping in platformers, and since Boxy is upside-down that means I will probably have to make the S key his jump button, which can confuse the player if they have to keep switching between W and S keys. Also, I've never played games where you had to hold down Shift constantly, so I wasn't aware of your problem.

Thanks! I will see if I have the time to play yours.
