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I half played through your game I think, I'm not sure if I missed something at some point but I was unable to make the story progress, the radar gave me a direction that seemed to loop around even when everything was destroyed.  I tried everything, going everywhere, detroying everything, going right into the main enemy, up until the point where I thought I had to crash into a rock ahah, then game over. I'm not spoiling anything here, but if you want more details on this hit me up. 

But from what I've played it was a really nice experience, using the two views to drive myself around was well thoutht and piloting the vessel was smooth. Special mention to the fact that it takes a long time to turn around, it adds a great sense of tension when the moment happen. 

Looking forward to complete it if what i've been through was a bug. Nice work overall, and I was impressed by the level of polish that you managed to put in during that sort time !

Hey, thanks for checking it out! I think I need to review that segment for issues with triggered events not going off properly, also I'd like to revise my waypoint system in the future (I noticed a little too late that the detection radius for them is kind of small, so it's possible to have the marker spin around behind the player before it gets removed, which is confusing to look at). I considered a visible hologram-type marker that floats near the waypoint's location in world space, but wasn't able to add it in time for the deadline, especially because I'd want to find a way to sell it as part of the ship's onboard HUD.

Thanks again for the input!