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Waaah TwT why'd chapter 12elve have to end like that :'( damn man, this VN is really great! ^^_ it's immursive, and xou reeaally get drawn into the story. And while I know a few things are lost in translation, xou still get all of 'em feelings across brilliantly~ UwU

I kept noticing Morenatsu undertones thought the gameplay. Similarities that just stuck out too much to not be similar :3 So when that piano scene came in, it was like: "oh yeah! Morenatsu fan right here! xD".

And hey, xou said xou wanted to start this out as a book? And the thing is, I started my book out as a VN, but am in the process of turning it into a book :p

But I must really congratulate xou on this work. It's brilliant, and deserves all the love it can get~ I'm really looking forward to the rest of the translated chapters! >_</ keep up the good work!!!

Awwww, thank you Phamyne! Don't worry, next build with chapters 13 & 14 will be uploaded soon, like... in three or four days.

Yeah, Morenatsu was my first visual novel, and I fell in love right away with it. I'm really trying hard with translaltion, and like I wrote on the main page, I'm not a native english speaker, so yeah, I'll get lost in some parts of the translation. That's why I'm in need of testers! hahaha. Thank you for your encouragement, it really gives me the inspiration I need to keep working hehe.

Have a nice day/night! nwn

Don't worry man, xou're doing a great job all 'round! ;) Just focus on getting everything all translated, and 1nce it's done, xou can get some1ne to assist xou ^^_ the problem with translating can be a  difficult 1ne :/ coz like, maybe xou want to word something in a particular way, but then, people are like "well... that's not common in English, but it can still work". So yeah. Maybe some1ne who speaks Spanish would be a good match for helping xou? I find xour writing style very poetic at times~ Either way it's really good ^^_ I seriously couldn't stop smiling throughout the entire story so far :p

Heh, good ol' Morenatsu ^^_ it's the godfather of all VN's. The "childhood crush" for most of us ^///^ glad to see people are still drawing inspiration from it.

Xou too man, great day/night and keep up the great work \>o< best of luck!