Waaah TwT why'd chapter 12elve have to end like that :'( damn man, this VN is really great! ^^_ it's immursive, and xou reeaally get drawn into the story. And while I know a few things are lost in translation, xou still get all of 'em feelings across brilliantly~ UwU
I kept noticing Morenatsu undertones thought the gameplay. Similarities that just stuck out too much to not be similar :3 So when that piano scene came in, it was like: "oh yeah! Morenatsu fan right here! xD".
And hey, xou said xou wanted to start this out as a book? And the thing is, I started my book out as a VN, but am in the process of turning it into a book :p
But I must really congratulate xou on this work. It's brilliant, and deserves all the love it can get~ I'm really looking forward to the rest of the translated chapters! >_</ keep up the good work!!!