well, my new theory from this, is that the wine is made with Asterion's blood (or something like that, something spilled from his suffering), and because he is part divine, that ichor is poisonous for mortals. i mean, this is the best i can do to correlate his punishments with the wine appearance rate along with it being poisonous for most but not him.
I am curious if MC drank the wine while wearing the ring would the ill effects transfer to Asterion, or vice versa if Asterion drank the wine while wearing the ring would the benefits transfer to the MC, or would the bond make the wine harmless to MC?
Also MinoWorkshop implied that the wine 'can' hurt others who drink it, but the wording made me wonder if there were exceptions to that or ways to at least prevent the wine from harming someone who drank it (besides Asterion) while not giving any extra benefits other than being alcoholic in nature.
that's not how the armband works though, the contract says it will rip you arm off if asterion is sent to the valley (even if someon else does it), there is no benefits for the master other than your employees trusting you won't abuse your power over asterion. but, according to my theory, divine beings could be able to drink the wine with no harm. of course if that is incorrect then it's pointless speculation without further evidence.
it can still be dionysus gift, at very least the system that creates them should be. but would he really make wine that only heals asterion arbitrarily like that? for what purpose? makes more sense that what is used to make the wine would be able to cure asterion, it just so happens that it would poison others, and is likely a limited resource
In Greek mythology ichor is poisonous to mortals as it's usually described as blood of a god, it's either intentional they added ichor to the wine as a way to stop mortals stealing the wine from its intended user or it's just bi-product of its process to making the wine. It could cross the line as it would be an insult for a mortal to even attempt to consume a divine substance.
yeah, that's what i'm saying. ichor would fit this property of the wine. the idea that it's made with asterion's blood specifically makes for a self sustaining production, the more he gets hurt, the more healing is available to him. the one blindspot i'm still unsure is why production ceased when the hotel was abandoned, there may be something else caused by other people being around to make the wine.
it is a binding ring, i can see how you confused the concept. but yeah, personally i'm still worried that it may come to play a moment Asterion will have to go to the valley not by the master's will and the contract would still server his arm. i wanted to contest the terms of it but you are railroaded to do that contract as is.