It's definitely very stylish! I don't mind atmospheric, and I did like the atmosphere. There are some glitches to iron out:
- At one point I dragged the mouse a fairly small amount. That turned out to be a mistake, because I then had to wait while I very, very slowly drifted to the point I was aiming at. Unless (and until) moving slowly has some benefit, I'd set a much higher minimum speed.
- After the first "room/level", I ended up off the screen, which didn't move to the next room to match me. I tried jumping back onto the screen and ended up stuck in the floor. (Fortunately "R" reset, and reset to the next room.)
- Given that you can make one long jump to cross the entire room, there wasn't as much purpose to the slowly-disappearing neon platforms as I expected. That, I expect, will change as you think more about level design; just something to keep an eye on.
The character and setting are so, well, weird (in a good way!) that I think there's definitely a story to be told about them. If you do decide to continue with this, give some real thought to the story and how it fits into the setting; this setting deserves better than "oh no someone stole my cat I have to go find her" or other video game cliches.