Fun and engaging. I really like the turn-based puzzle-solving! Also, cute graphics.
A few suggestions:
1. It would be helpful to introduce the Wait command (Spacebar) before it is required. Of course, it is listed in the controls directly below, but since you include an in-game tutorial, this important command would ideally be included at the start of the second level.
2. It would be nice if the screen allowed us to get a better look at the scene following character death. Because the scene fades away immediately, it is difficult to confirm what the player did wrong.
3. The enemy visuals do not make it clear which way the enemy is facing. I understand that you are meant to infer it from the direction the enemy is moving in, but I found it rather confusing.
4. Including music and sound effects really helps with the immersion. There are libraries of free music available for use in games with permission of their creators, and you can use Bfxr or a similar program to create simple 8-bit style sound effects.