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Francisco Leites

A member registered Apr 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sooo... apparently I won!? Alrighty then, saying that was unexpected is an undertaking xd

A big thank you to everyone that played my game and to all the other awesome games made for the jam that made these few days go by faster, and enjoyable!

I actually got the news from your comment and I kinda froze for a moment xd 

Thank you!

I can't seem to replicate it. That or I think the input is still going through from the previous level which makes the character move to the direction you were previously going before respawning.

Also, I didn't make it apparent in-game that you can "skip" or "pass" the turn by clicking space (because I forgot). Maybe that's the thing that is missing here?

Thank you!

I agree the art is really good (they are free assets found here on itch!), and music and sound effects would've made the game much better.

Also, what do you mean with 'random spawning after dying'?

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

All art used in this game are free assets and their links are available in one of the older comments if you're interested!

Thank you!

I do agree I could have probably added some quick sound effects and music, but the moment I finished gameplay I was just thinking about sleep xd

Also,  all pixel art seen and used in this entry are free assets, available on itch, with their respective links in one of the older comments and their names in the game's page.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

And yeah, music and SFX were planned but time did not allow it xd

Thank you!

Awesome game, with good looking art and good sound effects.

It also uses the limitation really well with the mechanics used.

One suggestion I have is to add the input keys next to their respective abilities, as I'd sometimes forget what key does what and accidentally launch myself in one direction xd

Really nice game with interesting puzzles.

There seems to be a lot of drag between the character and the walls which makes it a little hard at times to jumping to other platforms, but it's fine.

Really cute and fun game!

The scream sound effect gave me a mini jump scare because it came out of nowhere xd

Game's really interesting, would've liked to have more levels and maybe a reset level button, since I got stuck for a bit and had to wait for the bubbles to destroy the platform.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your suggestions!

I completely agree with everything you said and some of the things were thought of at some point (like 'death cutscenes', nothing too serious, something like Crash Bandicoot death animations), but had to be cut due to the time constraint.

Having the characters mention the "Pass Turn" ability though I forgot xd

Love the game.

Really fun and challenging!


Really like the concept and the art.

Really cute game!

The difficulty raise could've been a little faster, but I still liked playing it.

Good work!

I would've like to see some sort of queues for the objects or maybe a time limit on the selection. Really enjoyed playing it still.

The client should move to another city though, I mean beams falling from the sky, truck drivers that I assure you just make U-turns just to hit this guy and, worst of all, the banana peels on the ground are risks that no human should take.

(1 edit)

I've added a WebGL build of the game so it can be played in the browser.

I'd still recommend downloading the Windows/ Linux build as I don't know if the WebGL build broke anything.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you!

Thank you!

I did try to cut corners here and there to see if I could get some sound effects and music in time, but in the end I wasn't able to xd

Right, I forgot to give Pixx a line where they comment that ability.

Sorry about that!

A nice game with a really interesting mechanic.

Well done!

This game is great!

I very cool art, the music was good and the puzzles were great.

The last one really had me thinking. Would've loved to be able to see the map without moving but that's fine.

I really like what you did with the assets you chose. Really nice visually.

Gameplay wise,  I barely got any of the characters to survive (I actually had negative money). Either I'd roll really high or the creatures would have a low value, but that's fine. Just a matter of luck.

Thank you!

I'm sorry to hear you got stuck.

Can you tell me where that happened so I can look into it?

Really fun game!

The different endings idea is really cool and made me retry the game to get even more endings.

Took me a while to get the hang of it, but I really enjoyed it!

Nice game! 

Really like the style.

Awesome game, loved the art and the patients stories.

Some of the dialogue was skipped when pressing to continue or see the text faster (mainly happened when the dialogue was transitioning from one character to another. I think).

I also managed to get some of the background objects out of bounds while I was playing with them.

Great game! The visuals and the puzzles are really nice. I don't know how it uses the limitation though.

Really liked the game either way!

(1 edit)

Fun game! Wish I've known about the R for restart at the end of the first level. (kinda got stuck xd)

Fortunately for me, I used free assets for the graphics (can't really draw and didn't have any artists available to partner with me) so I wasted most of my time on level design and mechanics.

This was my first attempt at a 2D game too and Unity was helpful until it wasn't, so there was a lot of downtime learning tilemaps for example. I didn't really understand layer sorting so I was a bit confused when I hit 'Play' and the "decorations" of the level magically poofed xd

Thank you, but the graphics were not made by me. They are from three free assets available here on itch.

The link to the assets were added to a comment in the submission if you wanna use them yourself!

Thank you!

I really wanted the dialogues to be a focus after gameplay since it's where the limitation is introduced, but the time I gave myself to make them was way, WAY too short.

Thank you!

And yeah, a lot of love and back pain!

Credit to the assets used (because I was running out of time for in-game credits and so you don't have to go to the game's page):

Thank you so much! The graphics were not made by me (because I'm a programmer and my 'art' hurts people's eyes). I used three free assets available on itch and they are credited in the game's page (mostly because I ran out of time for in-game credits). I'll leave their pages on a comment in this submission if you wanna visit them yourself!