An ingenious use of the limitation. It's very clever and has so much potential!
In terms of the presentation, I like the touch of having each iteration spawn in a different color, and see the world through that filter. The death effect is also well-done.
However, I was not a huge fan of the Gaussian effect in the backgrounds. When working with pixel art, you want to make sure all pixels are the same size, otherwise it looks... wrong somehow.
Also, the absence of sound was felt. There are bundles of music that creators bundle with a free (or free-on-attribution) license; you might want to look into it.
Unfortunately, it is too easy to build a platform in the wrong place, permanently blocking your progress. The first 2 times this happened to me, I just reloaded the entire game and started over. The third time, I gave up. A reset screen command (a mainstay of puzzle games, though not of platformers) would have done wonders.