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An options menu? IN A GAME JAM GAME? Never seen before!

The graphics are awesome obviously! Music seems fitting, I like it.

At character selection you display the keys for the US layout of keyboards. It's probably horribly difficult to implement, but it's confusing to have to press Z when your keyboard has a differnet layout and the button is actually mapped to A. Maybe allowing clicking for selection would be an easy work around.

I feel like this game would easily turn into something completely amazing if only two things changed

  • Character movement - you are probably using a physics based controller? Jump height feels odd to me, so does gravitational force and also movement in general. I would suggest switching from using a physics engine for moving to directly modifying the position of the sprite for snappy movement. You can also tweek gravity and other stuff this way.
  • Feedback - especially when getting hit, but also for jumping and landing

Awesome work!


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the controls are like they are since I was going to add control remapping. Unfortunately ran out of time to do so though.

The character movement changes based on your colors. Theres one side of red that has much quicker movement and a lower jump height but yeah the acceleration approach for the other end probably wasn't the best. Was basically just a quick band aid solution cause I ran out of time to add it changing between  different mechanics(gliding, double jump, etc)

Definitely agree for the feedback, had some particles, sound effects and more animations planned but didn't manage to finish them