Played through your game on stream, if you wanted to watch the playthrough heres the vod timestamped to your game (if it doesn't work your game starts at 3:23:53)
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Its a nice rage game that suffers from some unfairness towards the player
if you want to watch my playthrough in the future heres the link to the vod
Enjoyability 3/5
The main game mechanics are nice to play around with to get top scores but theres certain parts of the game that feel very unfair towards the player and kill my want to do high score runs. The subtitles then insulting the player after they get affected by something they couldnt react to and was not their fault doesnt help enjoyability as well
- Somehow have a way for the player to see above so that upper obstacles don't just suddenly appear and kill momentum with no time to react (this being a thing makes the safest strategy very boring)
- Adjust powerups to be more beneficial towards the player and what the player expects them to do (especially since timing them in the air has to be done currently in a small window). This is things like let people use the pass through powerup when theyre on a platform and then it takes effect next time theyre in the air.
Accessibility 3/5
Theres some main accessibility features people get in for jam games including the volume slider but you can't adjust the window size and the sliders are not scaled properly
Possible post jam additions:
- Rebindable controls
- Adjust the sliders so that the entire slider affects the volume instead of the volume cutting out around 0.7 due to everything below that being unhearable
- Let the game be fullscreened and the size adjusted for smaller screens
Originality 4/5
This concept as a rage I haven't really seen done before and it works well and feels unique (even if its composed of other parts that are done alot like doodle jump gameplay and rage games)
Visuals 4/5
Visuals work well. Animations on things and the bomb being a random sprite add variety and life to things. It overall can feel a bit unpolished with things like the UI not fully feeling like its a part of the game (and has portions that are just a single color in a basic shape)
Audio 4/5
Audio works well with the game with the background music and things like explosion sounds working well. However the sounds aren't very memorable and don't feel as cohesive as they could be
It's a nice small game but in its current state does not have much content and has some quality of life features it lacks which makes it not as fun to do rounds of
If you want to see my playthrough at any point its here
Enjoyability 3/5
The content that is here is nice and was good for the one playthrough to figure out what to do but theres not a lot of content and theres some missing QoL features that detract from the experience
Possible post jam improvements:
- Add a peggle-like aiming indicator for where the bomb is going to go and rotate the cannon to match to add more weight to the aiming
Accessibility 2/5
Theres not much in terms of accessibility features here but the core controls and visuals are fairly accessible
Possible post jam improvements:
- Volume sliders to control audio levels
- Letting people adjust things (and getting introduced to the game) before getting thrown into gameplay
- Let people fullscreen the game instead of it being a static window size
Originality 3/5
The game concepts been done a bunch with just aiming to destroy things but theres some original concepts in what was done for the game including the balancing between hitting units and the back building and trying to combo to get as many units as possible before hitting the building instead of just hitting it
Visuals 3/5
The art for everything individually works and you can easily tell what everything is but theres a clash in styles between different objects. The building has a thick border and has much larger pixels, things like the units have smaller pixels and a thinner border, and the background has no border which overall makes it look unpolished together. Things also tend to teleport currently (e.g. the units moving forward) which would benefit from something like tweening the movement to make it more apparent that thats whats going on at the bottom
Audio 2/5
The sounds that are there are nice (the explosions) but theres a lot missing including a background song to fill up audio space and other sound effects
Game had a lot of effort put into it and has systems that play well together but theres some glaring issues that make it a bit unfun to play
if you want to see my playthrough through the game its here
Enjoyability 2/5
The game is extremely unbalanced and is difficult even in the easiest mode due to that just being a health increase / infinite health which only helps with one of the difficult aspects of the game
Enemies are able to hit you before you even have a chance to react to them leading to most encounters before you have powerups ending up with you always losing health which stacks up with all the enemies in a level
Possible Post Jam Improvements
- Give an anticipation phase to attacks from enemies or make them dodgeable so that the player has a chance (especially in the first level they are going to select which would most likely be the suburbs). (by anticipation phase I just mean make them pause for something like 0.5 seconds and indicate they are about to attack)
- Adjust movement so its smoother to control. Currently its easy to accidentally walk off edges while trying to do small movements and dashing tends to teleport you after a dash making gauging where you will end up after a dash hard
Accessibility 4/5
Theres the basic accessibility features people usually get in in jams (volume control and fullscreen/windowed) and theres also the addition of rebindable controls, v sync, etc. although things like rebindable controls are not obvious they actually are rebindable
Possible Post Jam Improvements
- Make colorblind mode functional
- Make the UI easier to navigate and more obvious on what is available for the player to do (rebindable controls, swappable abilities, etc.)
Originality 4/5
The megaman-like system isn't done often but the majority of the game is basic platformer mechanics which tends to be used a lot in games and theres no unique twist done on them (apart from things like the dash being themed around farts)
Audio 2/5
The audio for things like farts work but they are not great to listen to and the background music tends to get very repetitive and is not interesting enough musically to make that work
Visuals 3/5
The visuals individually are nice and convey what they are well but put together there is a massive clash in styles that tends to look very unpolished. Theres mixed border styles (player has a border, most other things dont) and mixels with different object having very different pixel sizes. In addition theres different in spriting styles with things like the house in the background in the suburbs being very heavily detailed and shaded compared to the player character which is just flat colour. The animations on the sprites that do have animations look good such as the bunny movement and beanman animations.
Game is really well polished but has some aspects that make it not as enjoyable for me
If you want to revisit my playthrough at any point its here
Enjoyability 3/5
Game overall is pretty fun to play but has some issues that hinder enjoyability. One of these is having blind hits where you hit a bomb upwards for an offscreen obstacle to then hit it back down. Another one is the fact that the ideal state for the bombs is for them to explode and explode things with them. This just doesn't feel satisfying to me since having to use more balls is seen as a punishment in pinball and theres never really a state where a ball can have a great combo due to things like trapdoors eating them leading to samey gameplay with no peaks of hype
Possible post jam improvements:
- Don't consume the bomb unless the player makes a mistake (this would alter the style of the game so take it with a grain of salt but its one way I feel would make it way more fun to play)
- Having a way to preview the parts of the level and where things currently are (you can pause gameplay while the player is looking)
Accessibility 4/5
Game has the usual accessibility features people usually add in in jam games (volume slider + window/fullscreen). The addition of the volume slider before the gameplay is nice but it only affects one type of volume which leaves two types that could be too loud for people. Addition of the tutorial being a part of gameplay (slowly teaching controls) is a nice addition although its not immediately obvious you can explode anything (including the back wall)
Possible post jam improvements:
- Rebindable Controls
- Subtitles (you don't have much dialogue but there is some)
- Make it more clear what is affecting what. e.g. point out the wanted posted are what refill bullets (im assuming they do, I thought it happened randomly in my run)
Originality 5/5
The game is pinball but it definitely manages to do its own spin on it with things like the explodable terrain. And it feeling more like an adventure rather than score chasing.
Audio 4/5
The audio is nice and works well with the game (with the sound effects on everything + voice acting) but the background music is not the greatest and feels like it could be a lot better to fit the vibes of the game
Visuals 4/5
The visuals of the game are great and compliment the game style well. Things however don't really feel alive due to the static nature of them. Things like the bombs just being one static sprite
Game overall is nice to play and unfortunately gets hits by some pretty bad bugs that prevent playing it to completion
If you want to revisit my playthrough at any point its here
Enjoyability 3/5
Game has some nice enjoyability with the core things the player has to watch out for being fuel utilization, and just traveling to and from planets. That eventually ends up feeling samey due to all resources and planets behaving pretty much exactly the same making me not want to do more than a couple runs though. "Who put hardness in my water". Theres some issues that prevent me from fully enjoying it in its current version including the ways to go fast being severely punished by blind collisions making gameplay tedious
Possible improvements for post jam:
- Make it more apparent that fuel can be restocked
- Prevent blind collisions with asteroids (makes it unfun to boost since you can get evaporated and lose all your progress)
- Add unique mechanics for things. e.g. going into a water planet and things you need to grab being within the water
Accessibility 3/5
Theres some accessibility features that I can see but not really (theres pretty much what people usually get in for jams though)
Possible improvements for post jam:
- Rebindable controls
- If you click with your mouse currently it deselects the UI making it unnavigatable with the keyboard (or if you enter a submenu like settings)
- Making UI navigatable with game controls (e.g. space to select)
- Adding an interactive tutorial or teaching within the gameplay instead of the wall of text
Originality 4/5
This is a kind of idea thats not really done often and the inventory management side adds more originality onto that as well. When you break it down though it pretty much is just fetch quests which is not the most original concept and not one that feels original to play with even if theres original aspects on top of it
Audio 4/5
Audio works with the game and compliments it well. Background music is nice and all the core actions have sound effects. Theres more that could have sound effects (objects hitting things, getting sucked up, e.g. cow moos) but thats more for extra polish
Visuals 3/5
The visuals work and overall look nice (the background is great) but theres some aspects of them that just end up detracting from the game due to how unpolished they look compared to everything else.
Some examples:
Theres some mismatching pixel sizes in the UI visible at the base resolution
The health bar is just a coloured rectangle
- The cow text is very out of place and doesnt fit the game style
- Theres no indication of the world border on the minimap
Original thing I built the game around was enemies being fired from cannons from off screen. That got a bit lost after polishing the game a bunch though (you can still kind of hear the sfx). Also interpreted in the explosions in the game making the score go. Didnt want to just make it something moving due to explosions since I figured everyone would do that
Game is very fun to play around with in chat. The energy system is a bit unbalanced since both training and races use energy meaning that if somebody is training, they will have a major disadvantage in the next race. Stat distribution as well currently means that someone who has never trained is never going to beat people who have trained any amount since the first 10-20 training rounds mean a ton in terms of overall performance. UX wise telling the player the current stat amount after its effect (by things like playing) would probably help a bunch so they dont need to check their blobs stats to see if they maxed that stat out.
Best way ive found to minimize chat spam is to relegate some portions to a supporting site that has the info from the game. e.g. in my slime system I have slime inventories for each person on the site so they can check that without needing to spam chat and chat only has the catching portion. For badcops fishing, the inventories were also on a site and now the catching is also on the supporting site (only active while a stream is running) with the stream only having the visuals on screen of people catching
A lot of stats are pretty much the same thing and have nothing unique about them apart from just being different redeems. Adding some way to make them differentiated would probably make it feel a lot better as well.
Its a fun little creature caretaking game. The fact that what you feed the dragon makes it change what it looks like is a really good addition. Its very easy to get stuck in a loop of not being able to feed the dragon unless you figure out the specific mechanics due to how mood works and the dragon not wanting food if it has low mood but that still decreasing the mood even on failure (e.g. at 22% mood).
The main things that would be able to be worked on post jam would be ux improvements. This is things like making the bars consistent in how they behave (either all filled = positive or all filled = negative) and making items consistent in how you use them or convey differences (currently some want to to hover and some want you to click but you dont know which is which and clicking for the hover ones does the same thing as the clicking for the clicking ones (aka making the item dissapear))
Fun to play bullet heaven. The fact the tamagotchi can end up knocking enemies back towards you adds some nice risk to that. A couple things I felt was missing was an indicator for progress to the next level and some animations/movement for the characters (especially the player). Even something like some basic tweens to make it look like theyre walking w rotations and a bit of movement
Game is very easy in its current state, I even forgot about and never used the dash. Music and graphics are nice though and work well with the gameplay. If you work on it more post jam things that could be added would be things that add more weight to in game actions. E.g. adding some sort of thing happening visually when picking up a pizza as well as a sound effect (that wouldnt be annoying to listen to repeatedly since itll be played a lot). Also things like sound effects for throwing and recalling the tamagotchi
For theme the tamagotchi could be replaced with any object and there would be no meaningful change so the fact its a tamagotchi doesnt really do anything
Really fun memory game. Graphics are great and the music compliments the gameplay nicely (especially with the additive instruments getting added in as more people get added to the stage. Got to the end with no failures. Don't think the timer needs to be adjusted since I still had half the time for pretty much all of them (including the last one)
Strategy was to memorize the chain of colors from left to right and then the first letters of what I call each of the objects to help me remember those