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A member registered Mar 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Sounds were at max for me I think. At least they spawned that way and I didn't touch them. Might have been my fault and a previous game had loud sounds which made me turn down the overall firefox volume but I forget at this point

For y sorting you need to adjust the pivot position to be at the bottom of the sprite and then that will be the point the y position will be compared against. All sprites also have to be siblings (or close to siblings, forget how exact it wants them but usually thats what people mess up on)

Thanks for stopping by the stream. If you wanted to watch it again in the future ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall the game was great. Was a nice take on a madlibs-style game having that go with various folklore stories. Checked out the ending after stream and it is such a good ending for the game concept lol

Played your game on stream. If you wanted to watch me go through it ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall the game works well. The main thing I noticed was that two of the people had the same color (orange) which made reading text a tiny bit more confusing. There also wasnt really an anchor to tell how much I should set the volume bar to since there was nothing playing in the main menu (usually people either play an effect after the bar is set to something or it affects music playing in the main menu). Couple other things for post jam if you continue is it was hard to read some of the sentences sometimes since it dissapeared right after the text had all its characters showing and the volume text looks the same as the start text even though one is just text and one is a button

Thanks for stopping by the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future ive got the vod below timestamped to your game

Played your game on stream. If you wanted to watch me go through it ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall a nice game. I love how you incorporated the recursion into it with the descendants and then shrines persisting through generations (and then land fertility shenanigans as well). There was some issues with the text bleeding into nearby pixels due to setting the font to sizes that arent multiples of the size it was made for. Mechanics work well and the art is great

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Played through your game on stream. If you wanted to watch me go through it ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall extremely well made. The polish on everything with things like the characters turning around and the impacts on hitting the poles are great. Music works well, the mechanic where energy and health share the same bars is unique and works well and the mechanic to free yourself feels nice to use. Only real things I can say that can be improved on for post jam work are the lack of a shadow on the upper fences which makes them feel a bit off while items and poles have shadows and theres no indicators for the boss throwing bottles.

Played through your game on stream. If you wanted to watch me go through it ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall extremely well made, I had a great time playing it. The last portion wasnt fully obvious what the goal was and due to reusing the same texture before and after the holes open up it ended up being a bit confusing. Cutscene is great and the polish on everything is great

Think youve already watched it but in case you want to look at me go through your game again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

(2 edits)

Played your game on stream. I've got the vod below if you wanted to watch me go through it. Found some minor bugs (being able to see quests on the main menu and some sprite ordering issues) but they didnt affect the overall gameplay too much. The overall game is nice. You did a good job building up the world and making the different quests feel different enough. There was some issues with audio balancing where I couldnt really hear the music in the background (with all values at max) and theres some missmatching designs on the sprites (some things have outlines while others dont and trees have shadows while nothing else does)

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

(1 edit)

The companions are how you end up surviving the mid and late game but you do need to get upgrades for them or else youll be outscaled. Usually you need 1 upgraded dps companion out of the first two you pick (either cat, frog, or koi). All companions are extremely op in different ways

And yeah I need some optimization in there. Hopefully should make that a lot better in a post jam build

(1 edit)

Played your game on stream. If you wanted to watch me go through it ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. The mechanics and graphics of the game were nice. I found the most fun part of the gameplay was the initial spawn in and trying to build up a defence to defend the one golden spot. Once the map started changing on it own in jumps (some from humans I couldnt see currently due to the many spawn positions) and more golden spots and various other things started spawning things devolved into chaos a bit and it felt more like something I would just leave on its own since it was difficult to try to move things around quick enough due to the combination of the perspective making it hard to see and all the objects on the map blocking anything you try to do quickly (making humans go around much faster than you can build a defense). Lore though was great and music worked nice

Played your game on stream. If you wanted to watch me go through it ive got the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall extremely well polished. The art, voice acting, etc. was all extremely good and this felt like a really complete game. Boss attacks were nicely telegraphed and was fun to fight (especially with the friendly fire lol). The only real things I can comment on in terms of post jam improvements are just minor nitpicks like the fact the character cant walk all the way up since the top of it hits the collider

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream! If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

(1 edit)

Played your game on stream. if you wanted to watch me go through it ive attached the vod below timestamped to your game. Overall the game is great. Has some nice difficulty, graphics are great, and sound effects and music work well with everything else. Theres some minor bugs (sometimes the frog is a bit above the shadow) but theyre not major and all the little polish touches everywhere are great (like the shadow getting smaller and bigger). If you work on it post jam the two main things I noticed that could be improved a bit is making the water parts of the map affect things like pathing or interact with entities in some way (instead of being the same as ground), and maybe having some more randomization of initially shown powerups and upgrades to add more variety to runs instead of always starting with the same 3 powerups from the princess and having the same pool of starting upgrades

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream! If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream! If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream! If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Ill be running some streams this week at some point (likely will have one going tomorrow and the day after)

My usual stream start time is 7pm ET https://www.twitch.tv/ategondev

Played through your game on stream. Have the vod below timestamped to your game if you wanted to watch me go through it

Was fun to go through. Due to there being no invulnerability time on the character it was very easy to end up losing all lives at once (as well as getting hit instantly on enemy spawn when they spawn into the edge. Some things you could add in if you work on this some more in post jam is adding in a warning for enemy spawns  before they actually spawn in, adding in more feedback to taking damage (e.g. screenshake, screen flash, etc.) to add more weight to that and make it feel more like you actually got it, and adding in some more polish to enemy spawn ins since currently they just blip into existence

Played through your game on stream. Have the vod below timestamped to your game if you wanted to watch me go through it

Overall a fun shmup. Has a nice variety of enemies and the artstyle works well together especially with the added effects like the glitching effect on the enemies when you damage them. The sound was hard to listen to (especially the laser being very high pitched and the sfx generally overpowering the music)

(1 edit)

Played through your game on stream. Have the vod below timestamped to your game if you wanted to watch me go through it

Overall a nice learning tool. I already know basic japanese but can see it being really useful if I was just starting out with learning the japanese alphabets. One way to help people learn a bit more would be forcing them to choose at least a certain amount of each character in a row so people can't hone in on one character in the row and only end up learning that one

(3 edits)

The graphics looked extremely polished. Was really nice to look at. Gameplay wise I ended up getting extremely lost (even with the game hints it took me awhile to find out where the keyhole was since it was extremely far away from the rest of the relevant area and before I looked at the hints I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing). Had to stop after accidentally softlocking myself with the locket due to getting a bit motionsick

If you work on this more in post jam heres some ideas of improvements you could add in:

- sensitivity slider. The sensitivity for turning was really low for me which ended up making the controls a lot harder to use

- some music for the background to fill the sound space instead of that being empty

- a bit more guiding for the player on what they should be focused on. There was a lot of things to interact with at once at the start (like the casette) but they werent really relevant but there was no way to tell that since there was no cues on what the person on the couch needed

(2 edits)

Game was pretty fun to go through. The powerups were both movement based but felt unique enough from each other and the graphics were nice

If you continue this more post jam heres some ideas on ways you could improve the game:

- When giving people to option to consume (or when they get a new powerup) show the button that will activate that on screen. Ended up forgetting which button I had to click which then required referencing the game page again or button mashing to find the key that worked

- With keyboard controls it was a bit awkward to press q when the hand was already focused on movement. This is compounded with needing to then use the movement to fully utilize the q ability. The right hand wasnt doing anything so some controls could be moved over to there with a wasd jkl control scheme or something else

- In the dark areas of the game it can get hard to see things at points especially on less bright screens since most objects become shades of purple or black. Having some way to add more contrast there would go a long way for readability

- Having smoother room transitions (felt a bit awkward to suddenly be teleported into light or dark)

- Adding some more weight to actions (such as jumping, dying, etc.). A bit of tweens doing some squash and stretch goes a really long way into making things feel polished and theyre pretty easy to do in godot

- Adding in input buffering for the jumps. This goes along with coyote time in helping people feel like their inputs are being read by the game. Its essentially letting people hit the jump button a bit before they touch the ground and still counting that as a jump when they hit the ground (to jump instantly upon landing)

(1 edit)

the messages you get in the reviews are based on the stars. So there's a bug where if someone was going to give a bad review they get boosted by your plants into instead talking about decor even if you have all decor

(2 edits)

Oh didnt think that strategy still worked, guess you got extremely lucky with your ratings

Usually if you void contracts that shouldnt be voided the demons will tank your ratings, guess there might be a case I missed where they still dont (unless youre talking about the early days, in the first couple you can pretty much do anything as the player is learning but in wednesday thursday and friday its actual balancing)

Played through your game on stream, if youre interested in watching me go through it I have the vod below timestamped to your game

Was a fun game, especially when I got to the points where I could get it to snowball. The optimal strategy unfortunately isnt that fun (which is to just take every object and put it beside the void) so if you work on this a bit post jam something that might be a nice addition would be guiding the player to the more fun aspects of the game and building up that pre setup less through some mechanics (someone in my chat suggested having a timer before it starts automatically))

Played through your game on stream, if youre interested in watching me go through it I have the vod below timestamped to your game

Overall was a nice game to go through. Had a good variety of enemies and level generation to keep things feeling fresh. Main thing that stood out to me was the sound effects/music being balanced to different sound levels which prevents you from hearing some of them more clearly. The enemies/things that hurt you and the collectables are also the same color which can get confusing at point when trying to figure out what damages you and whats something you collect. Graphics are nice and the swapping between digging and attacking felt nice as I was going down. If you add in the shop post jam I can see this having a bunch of replayability

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream, if you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

(1 edit)

Thanks forsubmitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Played this game on stream, if youre interested in watching me go through it heres the vod timestamped to your game

Its a nice small arcade-like game. If you work on it more in post jam something that would be a great addition would be adding in some more variety to the level (you mentioned widening the randomization gap below but also stuff like having different kinds of obstables is always great, e.g. things that spawn in the air instead of on the ground) to add some more replayability to it

Ran into a bug where the music didnt loop that I talked about a bit in the stream

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream, if you wanted to watch it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to watch it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game

Thanks for submitting your game to the stream. If you wanted to watch it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game