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Bad Faith is definitely in my top ten visual novels! I was so intrigued and fascinated by the demo when it first came out. I don't normally read a lot of novels due to my short attention span, but this story held my attention throughout the whole story.

The build-up to the climax had me on the edge of my seat, and I was internally screaming for Magda to run away the whole time. I love the way you wrote Magda's intrusive thoughts, as I find them to be very accurate to when I had them. Although I know a lot of people may disagree, it makes me happy that you didn't shy away from the details. It was raw and genuine. I never read content warnings for my media because nothing really shocks or bothers me, so I was surprised that the story went that far into the details of Magda's thoughts. 

Every character was written so realistically. I feel like I truly understood the motivation and reasons behind every character. No one felt comically evil, so my immersion never broke. I just love morally corrupt characters that don't make me cringe haha

I will say though, after the big climax, my enjoyment of the story did decrease. I wasn't really sure where the story was going to go after that whole ordeal, but there was a part of me worried it was going to change into a revenge story. And then it turned into a revenge story. And then it ended after Magda got her revenge. I feel... unsatisfied. Perhaps I'm just not good at analyzing stories, but I'm not sure what the moral of the story is. What message is the story pushing? Reading your thoughts at the end makes me think that this was created mainly as a personal piece to vent. I've never experienced something like being shamed in front of my whole community, so maybe this game wasn't for me. Idk, I just feel like nothing was resolved in the end. 

Of course, I don't regret playing this. I will be coming back to play this over and over because of how good the execution was. The mysteries were still intriguing, and the art slapped. I hope you plan to make more visual novels!


Thanks so much for the incredible comment! I’m glad you enjoyed Bad Faith as much as you did - and I’m glad it held your attention throughout the entire story. I’m happy that you felt that way about the entire cast too - I wanted every character to have understandable motivations behind their actions - not just the more sympathetic ones like Magda and Nils.


I’ll probably talk about the ending more when I write my postmortem of Bad Faith - but the unsatisfying nature of it was definitely a choice on my part. I did want it to be a revenge story - but one that gradually became less and less cathartic the more Magda (as Lilia) sat and stewed with what she was doing to the people who hurt her in the past (specifically, people who weren’t as involved in her bullying within the Haven - such as Grace and Maria). In essence, the lack of closure and ends being tied up was intentional.

I’m happy you still came away liking the VN though, and I hope to make many more in future! Thank you for playing it. :>


Quick question - is it alright if I use part of your review for future promotional materials? :>


Yes, go ahead!