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Damn, I've never felt such hate towards a stock photo before. 😂 It was very difficult to stop playing, I think I tried like 30 times, I didn't beat the gorilla though, but I felt I was very close. I think the reason I stopped trying eventually was the fact that the gorilla was a bit unfair when it stood on the nearest two columns - often, the gorilla would throw a barrel off screen, and I wouldn't even know a barrel was thrown until the second it landed on me, at which point there was not possible to land three hits on it. That took me down the majority of times I managed to get all the way to the gorilla.

Other than that, it was a really fun game! I said "okay, one last time now" for like 20 mins. ;P 


Yeah, baby!



Heya - thanks for the in depth reply! I'm glad you liked the game. 

And thanks for the feedback on the TNT throwing stuff. I might have to take a look at the camera angles or the TNT arcs to make it a little bit more fair.