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Thank you for taking the time to write some thoughtful feedback.   This  isn't something a lot of people take the time to do on this platform, so when it happens we're grateful!

We're happy that you see the story-first approach we've taken for what it is.   An unfortunate reality is that all adult games tend to get lumped together and our aim from the start was to do something a little different.   We hope we continue to reward your investment in us with the upcoming chapters!

I agree.  How one must wade through some pretty unintelligible garbage in other VNs, which really are just oure jolly fests, to finally come upon this (and a few others—notably Artemis, Being a DIK, Leap of Faith, College Kings, for example) entertaining AVN. Actually fun and mentally stimulating.

I note that you actually give each character their own voice, so each doesn’t sound like all the others.  You spend time with character development, so good on you!

And re the intimacy: you allow build up, and you seem to take your time.  Other developers could learn a thing or two about storytelling from you (assuming they would even care).

I will continue to look forward to your offerings, especially this story as it continues.
