Made some progress. Everything seems to be working accept for the issue of hitting 'Z'. Made a video of what it's doing here:
Also, here was the code I was using:
function mev_pause_monsters_release_confirm() { with(instance_create_depth(x,y,depth-1,obj_gguimenu)){ daddy = message_spawn(tsprintf( "You released %.", amp_get_monster_name(other.my_monster))) amp_clear_monster(other.my_monster) for(var c = AMP_FIRST_ACTIVE; c < AMP_FIRST_ACTIVE + PARTYSIZE_ACTIVE; c++){ if(global.active_monster_party[c,amp_MONID] == NONE){ array_delete(global.active_monster_party,c,1) c-- //Deleting shifted everything back one step so re-check break; } } msh_spawn_monster_list(mev_pause_monsters) instance_destroy(daddy) instance_destroy(daddy.daddy) } }